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Volvo xc90 2018

Volvo XC90 – модельный год 2018

Volvo XC90 – модельный год 2018

XC90 — внедорожник, появление которого действительно изменило представление не только о Volvo, но и о том, какими в принципе могут быть автомобили этого класса. Volvo XC90 роскошный — и в то же время практичный. Классический — и предельно инновационный.

XC90 был официально представлен в августе 2014 года и ему довелось стать первым воплощением нового дизайна марки. В этой модели впервые увидели свет фирменные фары в форме «молота Тора», новая решетка радиатора с обновленной эмблемой и крупная надпись Volvo на пятой двери в обрамлении геометрически безупречных задних фонарей. В результате характерные для экстерьера Volvo солидность и уверенность обрели совершенно новые, устремленные в будущее — но при этом узнаваемые черты.

XC90 также стал первой моделью Volvo, построенной на базе архитектуры масштабируемой платформы SPA  (разработанная в Volvo модульная архитектура ляжет в основу всех новых моделей Volvo 60-й и 90-й серий).


Салон XC90 предполагает как пяти-, так и семиместную компоновку, при этом для отделки в любом случае используются роскошные материалы, включая ореховое либо красное дерево и металл в особой обработке. Главное в современном интерьере Volvo — это прежде всего внимание к деталям и стильный скандинавский дизайн, воплощенный руками лучших мастеров.

Умиротворенную атмосферу салона подчеркивают сиденья совершенно новой конструкции, суммирующие весь опыт Volvo в этой области (недаром сиденья Volvo считаются одними из лучших в отрасли). Идеально повторяя форму человеческого тела, они делают каждую поездку максимально комфортной и вселяют дополнительное чувство безопасности на дороге.

Во втором ряду — три отдельных сиденья с регулировкой наклона спинки. Их можно подвинуть, чтобы увеличить пространство для ног пассажиров третьего ряда или же увеличить объем багажного отделения. В свою очередь сиденья третьего ряда предоставляют самый высокий в своем классе уровень комфорта для пассажиров ростом до 170 см. При этом спинки сидений и третьего, и второго ряда легко складываются, образуя внушительный багажный отсек с ровным полом.


Ощущение небывалого комфорта в салоне XC90 дополняет топовая саунд-система, разработанная совместно с ведущей британской компанией на рынке аудио Bowers & Wilkins. Передовое программное обеспечение, созданное шведской компанией Dirac Research, рассчитывает время воспроизведения звука и взаимодействие динамиков для оптимизации звучания, ориентированного на определенного пассажира или на весь салон. Благодаря такому подходу внутри автомобиля можно воспроизвести акустику концертного зала, причем вполне конкретного — концертного зала Гётеборга, родного города Volvo.

Технология Sensus

С внедорожника XC90 для Volvo началась эра максимально естественного и интуитивного взаимодействия с автомобилем — достаточно просто сказать, что нужно сделать, или коснуться сенсорного экрана для быстрого доступа к управлению системами автомобиля. При разработке системы специалисты из Volvo стремились сделать ее интерфейс максимально похожим на интерфейс смартфона, чтобы у водителя и автомобиля сразу налаживался контакт. Благодаря Sensus водителю и пассажирам предоставлены самые современные возможности доступа к информации и развлечениям, а встроенная точка доступа обеспечивает всех пассажиров XC90 постоянной связью с интернетом.

Связь с автомобилем

В базовую комплектацию Volvo XC90 входит система Volvo On Call, позволяющая водителю при помощи мобильного приложения удаленно управлять разными функциями автомобиля со смартфона. В частности, с помощью Volvo on Call можно прогреть или охладить салон, блокировать или разблокировать двери, определить местонахождение автомобиля. Volvo On Call также работает с такими устройствами, как Apple Watch или Android Wear. К тому же Volvo предлагает поддержку операционной системы Windows 10 — новую версию приложения Volvo On Call можно использовать на обычных ПК или планшетах.

Двигатели и трансмиссии

XC90 оснащается бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями семейства Volvo Drive-E. Разработанные на заводе Volvo в шведском городе Скёвде моторы оснащаются турбонагнетателями и компрессорами.

Линейка двигателей, предлагаемая для Volvo XC90, включает дизельный D5 AWD с двойным турбонагнетателем мощностью 235 л. с. и 480 Нм — этот мотор обладает лучшими в своем классе характеристиками расхода топлива (5,7 л на 100 км), а также турбодизельный D4 AWD мощностью 190 л. с. и 400 Нм крутящего момента с расходом топлива 5,3 л на 100 км.

Двигатель D5 заслуживает особого внимания благодаря технологии PowerPulse, которая обеспечивает небывалую для автомобиля с турбодизелем динамику разгона. Уникальная разработка Volvo предусматривает подачу сжатого воздуха для немедленной активации турбонаддува, практически устраняя так называемую турбояму — провал тяги при трогании с места или при резком нажатии на педаль акселератора во время движения на первой или второй передаче. Суть технологии PowerPulse заключается в том, что небольшой электрический компрессор подает воздух в систему отработавших газов на этапе до турбонагнетателя, за счет чего турбина моментально начинает вращаться, обеспечивая нужное вращение турбонагнетателя.

В числе бензиновых версий доступны следующие: Т6 AWD с компрессором и турбонагнетателем мощностью 320 л. с. и с максимальным крутящим моментом 400 Нм, а также Т5 AWD мощностью 249 л. с. и 350 Нм. Все двигатели сочетаются с 8-ступенчатой автоматической коробкой передач.


На российский рынок Volvo XC90 поставляется в трех версиях: Momentum — наиболее классический вариант, включающий все передовые разработки Volvo, Inscription — комплектация с поистине роскошным салоном, R-Design — воплощение изысканного дизайна с элементами спортивного стиля.

Безопасность и режим полуавтономного управления

В 2015 году Volvo XC90 получил лучший рейтинг Euro NCAP, набрав 100 % в категории «Системы безопасности в помощь водителю» и выдающиеся 97 % в категории «Защита взрослых людей в автомобиле». По авторитетному мнению Euro NCAP, внедорожник был признан «Лучшим в своем классе» в 2015 году.

XC90 — это яркое подтверждение лидерства компании Volvo в области автомобильной безопасности. Уже в базовой комплектации на всех моделях Volvo устанавливается технология City Safety, которая включает функцию автоматического торможения и ухода от столкновения. С 2016 года City Safety в XC90 имеет расширенный функционал — систему обнаружения крупных животных. Эта функция помогает избежать или сократить негативные последствия столкновения прежде всего с лосями. В арсенал безопасности добавлена и система предотвращения съезда с дороги, которая с помощью автоматического подруливания помогает удержать автомобиль на трассе.

Полный комплекс активных и пассивных систем безопасности Volvo называется IntelliSafe и представляет собой основу для развития технологии автономного управления. Так, благодаря функции Pilot Assist, предлагаемой на XC90 в стандарте, водитель может вести автомобиль в полуавтономном режиме. С 2016 года эта технология работает на скоростях до 130 км/ч при движении по дорогам с хорошо различимой разметкой.

Иными словами, компания Volvo Cars стремится к тому, чтобы к 2020 году водители и пассажиры в автомобилях Volvo не погибали и не получали серьезных травм.


За несколько лет, прошедших с момента премьеры модели, XC90 удостоился ряда авторитетных наград, подчеркивающих значимость автомобиля как для автоиндустрии в целом, так и для рядовых водителей.

Volvo XC90:

  • лучший в номинации «Полноразмерный кроссовер» по итогам Ежегодной профессиональной премии «Внедорожник года — 2016»;
  • «Внедорожник года» по мнению жюри UK Car of the Year Awards 2016;
  • лучший в категории «Премиальные коссоверы» по результатам одной из самых престижных автомобильных премий России — Гран-при «За рулем» — 2016;
  • лучший в номинации «Большой кроссовер / внедорожник» по мнению жюри национальной премии экспертов автомобильного бизнеса «ТОП-5 АВТО — 2016»;
  • обладатель престижной премии North American Truck of the Year 2016;
  • «Лучший большой кроссовер / внедорожник» 2015 года по итогам открытого голосования среди читателей Autonews.ru. 

The XC90


    Exterior design that combines presence with refinement

    Refined strength defines the XC90. This is an SUV that combines powerful, distinctive looks with beautiful Scandinavian design that projects elegance. The upright grille and strong shoulder line convey confidence. At the rear, the tail lights frame the shape of the car, creating an unmistakeable outline. The advanced LED headlights of the XC90, with their distinctive T-shape, allow you to see more clearly at night. LED Illumination technology helps you to avoid dazzling other road users by automatically switching between dipped and full beam. Range-topping Full-LED Active High Beam Illumination technology adapts the light pattern on full beam, giving you a larger area of light.

    A sanctuary inside, crafted from beautiful materials

    We designed and built the cabin of the XC90 with the best of Scandinavian design and Swedish craftsmanship. Clean, uncluttered design gives a feeling of calm that helps you relax. Scandinavian details delight the senses, such as the Flame Birch wooden inlays and the Orrefors crystal glass gear shifter for the T8 Twin Engine. The XC90 has been designed to be practical as well as beautiful. To make the most of the space, each backrest folds flat so you have complete flexibility whether you’re carrying passengers or cargo. The third row of seats in the seven-seat version can even be folded (and raised) from the driver’s seat at the touch of a button. Thoughtful details such as shopping bag hooks and a strap that secures bags on the floor stop your bags from sliding around, while eyelets in the floor and a cargo net help secure larger items. With up to seven seats, the XC90 accommodates all your passengers in luxury and comfort. The driver and passenger seats are available with massage and ventilation functions, while the second and third rows are raised above the ones in front – like the seats in a theatre – to give their occupants a better view ahead. All three seats in the second row slide and recline. The third row offers class-leading legroom.

    Technology with a purpose: to make your life easier

    The centre display with touch screen is at the heart of how you control many of the functions in the XC90. Sleek and responsive, it uses bold, clear graphics and a portrait format that makes reading information and maps easy, with less scrolling. The 9-inch touch screen is so responsive that you can use it wearing gloves, while the surface has a special coating that reduces glare. Technology in the XC90 has been designed to make your life easier. And we wanted to display the most important information in a way that is better for you. That’s why the digital driver display behind the steering wheel puts important information directly in front of you, and automatically adjusts brightness to the surrounding light conditions. There’s also a head-up display that projects information onto the windscreen, so you don’t need to take your eyes off the road. You can even control the car by speech: the voice control function allows you to operate climate control, navigation, media and phone just by speaking naturally. 

    Experience exceptional audio with Bowers & Wilkins

    The XC90 was designed from the ground up for superb sound. Our range-topping Bowers & Wilkins system works with the car’s internal acoustics to deliver clarity and realism through its 19 speakers, including a unique subwoofer that draws air in from outside the car to create deeper, richer bass. A tweeter mounted on the top of the dashboard cuts down on acoustic reflections from the windscreen. On Excellence models, there is an extra speaker between the rear seats. Three different room modes – Studio, Individual Stage and Gothenburg Concert Hall – allow you to tailor the sound to your music or mood. Stainless steel speaker grilles and Bowers & Wilkins’ trademark yellow speaker cones make this a system that looks as good as it sounds. The Harman Kardon Premium Sound system gives you powerful sound and technology that improves the in-car experience. Each of the 14 speakers is individually monitored and adjusted, so everyone hears the best possible sound. Automatic Level Adjustment evens out differences in volume and intensity on the recording, so you don’t have to constantly change the settings. And a bass management system adapts the bass to the car’s acoustics, making the deepest notes richer and clearer. Connect your smartphone to the XC90 quickly and easily, every time. The XC90 supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which turns the centre display with touch screen into an extension of your smartphone. Access your music and messages or make calls, using voice control to talk to your phone’s personal assistant. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto only use the lower half of the screen so the car’s other functions are still displayed.

    Refinement and agility make the XC90 a car to enjoy on every journey.

    Refined and relaxing, the XC90 offers first-class comfort over long distances. Double wishbone suspension at the front and our unique integral link rear axle, built from lightweight materials, help to save weight and ensure the XC90 responds precisely. It also contributes to a quiet, vibration-free ride, helped by laminated windows that reduce noise. The XC90 offers a choice of drive modes, for a driving experience to match the road ahead and your mood. Using the roller control, which is positioned between the front seats, you can switch between three settings that alter the characteristics of the engine, automatic gearbox, steering, brakes, stability control system and engine stop/start. Comfort sets the car up for maximum comfort, Dynamic sharpens the car’s responses and Eco prioritises efficiency. A fourth mode, Individual, allows you to combine characteristics to create your perfect mode. The optional Four-C active chassis is an electronically controlled damping system that makes the XC90 even more adept at adapting to your needs. It makes up to 500 calculations per second to assess the current road conditions and driving style, and then adapts the responses of the suspension dampers to provide the optimum balance between comfort and control.

    When you switch between the car’s drive modes, Four-C also adjusts the suspension characteristics. Comfort mode prioritises a smooth ride, while Dynamic mode sharpens the handling and car’s responses. Individual mode allows drivers to create their own combination of settings.


    Exceptional performance and zero-emissions – the XC90 T8 Twin Engine plug-in hybrid

    The XC90 T8 Twin Engine has a plug-in hybrid powertrain, with effortless performance from a four-cylinder petrol engine driving the front wheels and an electric motor driving the rear. Combined with our smooth, automatic Geartronic transmission, the result is strong, effortless acceleration. The XC90 T8 Twin Engine allows you to drive an average daily commute with zero emissions. This near-silent, electric-only mode, which we call Pure mode, is enough for the daily commute of most people. In addition there are two more modes. Switch to Power mode and the turbocharged, supercharged petrol engine and powerful electric motor work together to give you an instant response when you put your foot down. Keep the car in default Hybrid mode and the T8 Twin Engine automatically chooses between the petrol engine, electric motor or a combination of the two, to keep you moving as smoothly and efficiently as possible. With plenty of space, and technology that makes driving easier, the XC90 T8 Twin Engine is the plug-in hybrid without compromise. It’s because the XC90 was designed from the start to use a plug-in hybrid powertrain, so the batteries and electric motor don’t compromise space. Charging the battery is as easy as plugging it into the mains, but the powerful petrol engine means you can keep going even without an electric top-up. Predictive Efficiency technology plans your journey using the ‘electronic horizon’ feature of Sensus Navigation, so the battery lasts the length of the journey.

    Advanced powertrains give you performance, refinement and efficiency

    Every XC90 provides strong performance, thanks to state-of-the-art petrol and diesel engines. These compact, lightweight engines help to improve agility, while low-friction technology helps to balance smooth power with exceptional efficiency. The top-of-the-line T6 adds a supercharger, for stronger low-rev responses.

    Relax and let the XC90 help out with the driving

    Volvo Cars’ Pilot Assist helps keep the XC90 at a set speed and distance to the vehicle in front of you, using steering input to keep you in the centre of your lane. Pilot Assist works at speeds up to 130km/h, and is particularly helpful in highway conditions, helping to reduce some of the effort required when driving in heavy traffic. The 360˚ Camera available for the Volvo XC90 helps to make parking easier by giving you a bird’s-eye view of your car and its immediate surroundings. It’s especially useful when negotiating tight spaces and allows you to see the car’s position in relation to its surroundings. The surround view from the four wide-angle lens cameras appears on the centre touchscreen and is available at speeds up to 10km/h.

    The XC90 is easy to park with Park Assist Pilot. It uses sensors to gauge the size of parallel or perpendicular spaces as you drive by them, and lets you know if one is big enough. It can then steer the car into a parallel space just 1.2 times the length of the car - all you need to do is operate the gears and brake according to the screen prompts. Your XC90 will do the rest.

    Please note: the driver is responsible for how the car is controlled at all times


    Technology that helps to protect your family and makes driving safer

    Safety is at the heart of the XC90 and is the result of decades of innovation. Ultra high-strength boron steel – one of the strongest types available – forms a rigid safety cell around the car’s occupants. Safety belt pre-tensioners and load limiters keep the belts in just the right state of tension while not exerting too much pressure on the body. Your XC90 looks out for potential danger, helping to protect both those people in the car and those outside, day and night. We call this innovation City Safety and it uses radar and camera technology to identify potential hazards such as other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and large animals ahead. It warns the driver if it detects an imminent collision and, if they don’t react in time, City Safety can automatically apply the brakes to help avoid or mitigate a collision. The XC90 can protect against one of the most common types of collision - when a vehicle leaves the road - less likely to happen. Run-off road Mitigation can detect if the car is about to leave the road unintentionally between 65-140km/h and can then use steering and, if necessary, brake support to guide the car back onto the right path. If the car does leave the road then Run-off Road Protection – another Volvo Cars innovation – reduces the chances of serious injury. It features an energy-absorbing structure in the front seat frames that cushions vertical impact in the event of a hard landing and, in addition, optional safety belts that automatically tighten.

    Please note: the driver is responsible for how the car is controlled at all times.


    Volvo accessories, designed to help you get more from your XC90

    Get more from the XC90 with our useful accessories. An electrically operated towbar slides under the car when not in use. Inside, a steel grille is a sturdy barrier between passenger and load compartments. Add a load compartment divider and a dog gate for safe and secure pet travel. Other accessories that cover the sides and seat backrests help keep the interior like new.

    Explore Volvo accessories

    Add your own finishing touches to the XC90 with our range of styling accessories. Each is designed to perfectly complement the XC90. Front and rear skid plates emphasize the car’s inherent strength. Strong, light running boards have built-in illumination to make getting in and out easier.

2018 Volvo XC90 Reviews and Rating

  • A high-quality, luxurious interior
  • Many standard safety features and good safety scores
  • Quick and efficient T8 plug-in hybrid model
  • Steering feels vague
  • Strange brake feel on the T8 plug-in model
  • Infotainment system could be easier to use

The XC90 gains more standard features for the 2018 model year including the Pilot Assist semi-autonomous drive system with adaptive cruise control, blind-spot warning with rear cross-traffic alert, auto-dimming interior and exterior mirrors, retractable side view mirrors, as well as Apple CarPlay and Android Auto smartphone integration. Volvo added heated front seats and a heated steering wheel as individual options, and new wheel designs include a 21-inch V-Spoke Black diamond cut design. Maple Brown, Denim Blue, and Pine Grey are new exterior colors and Maroon Brown is a new interior color.

Trim Levels (Interior and Exterior Options)

The XC90 is Volvo’s largest crossover, positioned above the compact XC40 and XC60 crossovers.

2018 Volvo XC90 Momentum: The XC90’s base trim includes a suite of driver assist safety features, an 8.0-inch instrument cluster display, a 9.0-inch center display touchscreen with navigation, auto-dimming interior and exterior mirrors, leather-wrapped steering wheel and gearshift knob, four-zone climate control, 10-way power front seats with power lumbar and memory, power-folding rear headrests, leather upholstery, interior aluminum accents, USB hub with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration, silver roof rails, LED headlights with Thor’s Hammer daytime running lights, panoramic moonroof, 18-inch alloy wheels, power liftgate, and drive mode settings.

2018 Volvo XC90 R-Design: Opt for the R-Design and Volvo adds automatic bending LED lights with active high beam, color-coordinated illuminated door handles with puddle lights, a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster, higher-level interior illumination, front seat power cushion extender, R-Design three-spoke steering wheel, R-Design perforated gearshift knob, R-Design pedals, sport seat padding, Charcoal Nubuck and Nappa leather in a Charcoal-colored interior, metal mesh aluminum interior accents, R-Design grille, 20-inch five-spoke diamond-cut alloy wheels, and paddle shifters.

2018 Volvo XC90 Inscription: The Inscription model adds heated front and perforated Nappa leather front seats, linear walnut wood interior accents, rear-side window sunblinds, power-adjustable seat bolsters, aluminum roof rails, Inscription grille, Inscription color-coordinated door sills and bumpers, 20-inch 10-spoke diamond-cut alloy wheels and all-wheel drive.

2018 Volvo XC90 Excellence: The range-topping Excellence adds a Homelink remote garage door opener, Park Assist self-parking system, front and rear parking sensors, a Bowers & Wilkins premium sound system with subwoofer, crystal gearshift knob by Orrefors, heated steering wheel, a Nubuck headliner, ventilated front and rear seats with massaging function, a tailored instrument panel, a head-up display, beverage cooler, chrome door molding with Excellence logo, 21-inch eight-spoke diamond-cut alloy wheels, four-corner air suspension, Four-C active chassis, and a plug-in hybrid powertrain (rear axle-mounted electric motor).

Additional options include a rear media system with dual 7.0-inch display screens and DVD player, a trailer hitch, and various roof carriers and roof storage boxes.

Performance and Fuel Economy

Powering the base 2018 Volvo XC90 T5 is a 250-hp, 258-lb-ft of torque 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 that delivers an EPA-rated 22/29 mpg city/highway with front-wheel drive and 22/28 mpg with all-wheel drive. The T6 model is powered by a 316-hp, 295-lb-ft of torque 2.0-liter supercharged and turbocharged I-4 engine and comes with standard AWD, delivering20/27 mpg. The range-topping T8 plug-in model uses the 316-hp turbo-four engine paired to an electric motor for a total system output of 400 hp and 472 lb-ft, and is rated at 26/30 mpg when in hybrid mode. The XC90 T8 can travel up to 19 miles on all-electric power. All engines route power through an eight-speed automatic transmission.

In Motor Trend testing, the 2017 XC90 T8 hit 60 mph in a quick 5.0 seconds and stopped from 60 mph in a respectable 115 feet.


The 2018 Volvo XC90 received the highest overall rating of five stars from the NHTSA, and the 2017 model is considered an IIHS 2017 Top Safety Pick for receiving the highest rating of Good in all five crash tests and the highest rating of Superior for front crash prevention for properly warning the driver of a possible collision and for avoiding collisions in 12- and 25-mph tests thanks to the standard City Safety emergency automatic braking safety feature. Additional standard safety features include lane keeping assist, Collision Mitigation (steers out of oncoming traffic), road sign information, front and rear parking sensors, Park Assist self-parking system, and the previously mentioned blind-spot warning system with rear cross traffic alert and Pilot Assist semi-autonomous drive with adaptive cruise control.

Utility (Cargo Space and Interior Room)

The XC90 offers 15.8 cubic feet of cargo space behind the third row, equaling that of the popular three-row Acura MDX. However, the Volvo’s total cargo capacity of 85.7 cubic feet is just shy of the MDX’s total capacity. Front- and second-row legroom is 40.9 and 37 inches respectively. The third-row is tighter, offering 31.9 inches of legroom.


The 2018 XC90 comes standard with lots of technology including the 9.0-inch portrait style center touchscreen with navigation, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity, and an 8.0-inch instrument cluster display featuring a large central gauge, navigation directions, telephone calls, road signs, and more. The standard Volvo On Call app gives you access to your dashboard, can remote start your engine, calls emergency services in case of an accident, and can contact an operator for GPS and roadside assistance. Also standard is the Pilot Assist semi-autonomous drive system that assists the driver in traffic by automatically maintaining a set distance to the vehicle in front and keeping the XC90 in the center of the lane. The upgraded digital instrument cluster display is a large 12.3 inches and features two large gauges and plenty of information for the driver. The available audio system is a 19-speaker, 1400-Watt Bowers & Wilkins premium audio system featuring Kevlar speaker cone technology and stainless steel mesh speaker grilles.

What We Think

In our First Drive review of the 2016 Volvo XC90, aside from vague steering feel and strange braking feel on the XC90 T8 hybrid, we liked the crossover and said: “This new 2016 Volvo XC90 really is a worthy successor to the name. Like the original, it advances the brand’s design markedly, it introduces all-new technology to the industry, it drives and performs well, and it comes at just the right time for the brand. It’s not wildly charismatic like some sporty crossovers and SUVs but rather like an old friend that’s always there for you, even before you know you need them.”

In our First Test review of the 2016 Volvo XC90, we liked the interior and exterior styling of the crossover, the high quality and luxurious interior, and the long list of safety features. The twin-charged engine provides brisk acceleration and the optional air suspension is very comfortable and offers six modes. “The 2016 Volvo XC90 T6 Inscription performs as well as its direct competitors, earns better fuel economy, and still comes to the table at or below their prices (base and loaded).”

The Volvo XC90 was the 2016 Motor Trend SUV of the Year.

Key Competitors

  • Audi Q7
  • BMW X5
  • Acura MDX
  • Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class
  • Infiniti QX60
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