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New volvo xc40

Новый Volvo XC40 — компактный кроссовер с инновационными технологиями | Вольво в России

  • Дизайн

    Создан для мегаполиса. Создан Швецией

    Компактный кроссовер Volvo XC40 на оживленной городской улице

    Иан Кеттл, ведущий дизайнер экстерьера, рассказывает о своем творческом процессе и о том, как на внешний вид Volvo XC40 повлияли научно-фантастические фильмы и бытовая техника.

    Volvo XC40 — это прирожденный кроссовер для города, который сочетает прогрессивный дизайн и пропорции внедорожника.

  • Универсальность

    В жизни может быть беспорядок — но только не в вашем автомобиле. Узнайте о инновационной системе организации пространства

    В салоне Volvo XC40 вы найдете инновационные решения для хранения, упрощающие повседневную жизнь, в том числе большие карманы на дверях для ноутбуков и сумок, а также удобный складной крючок. Под центральным подлокотником даже есть подставка, в которой поместится, например, коробка с салфетками.

    Простая погрузка и разгрузка вещей из багажника Volvo XC40 обеспечивается благодаря таким функциям, как дверь багажника с электроприводом. Просто проведите ногой под задним бампером, чтобы открыть или закрыть багажник. Также доступна складная, съемная панель пола, а спинки задних сидений можно сложить одним нажатием кнопки.

  • Технологии

    Интуитивные технологии у вас на службе

    Все технологии в Volvo XC40 специально созданы для человека — начиная от простого в использовании центрального сенсорного экрана, и заканчивая приборной панелью с высоким разрешением и голосовым управлением. Все это сделает вашу жизнь значительно легче и станет ее неотъемлемой частью, как и ваш смартфон.

  • Безопасность

    Узнайте, как Volvo XC40 защищает вас во время каждого путешествия

    Функция предотвращения ухода с проезжей части позволяет вам оставаться в безопасности, удерживая вас на проезжей части. Если функция обнаруживает, что вы собираетесь съехать с дороги непреднамеренно, она вмешивается в управление и, при необходимости, может задействовать торможение.

    Volvo — синоним слову «Безопасность». В 1944 году мы запустили в производство наш первый каркас безопасности автомобиля, а в 1959 году разработали трехточечный ремень безопасности. Мы по-прежнему создаем инновации, и верим в то, что к 2020 году никто не будет погибать и получать серьезные повреждения в новых автомобилях Volvo.

  • Вождение

    Безупречная управляемость и динамика для покорения мегаполиса

    Volvo XC40 внушает доверие благодаря высокому положению водителя, которое обеспечивает отличную видимость. А гибкое и отзывчивое рулевое управление гарантирует, что вы всегда будете ощущать , что все под контролем.

    Функция Pilot Assist позволит вам расслабиться во время передвижения по городу. Она поддерживает постоянную скорость и расстояние до идущего впереди транспортного средства и даже помогает вам удерживать автомобиль в пределах полосы.

    Ситуация на дороге всегда будет под контролем благодаря умной полноприводной технологии, обеспечивающей дополнительную тягу с минимальным увеличением расхода топлива или выбросов.

  • Аудиосистема

    Откройте для себя автомобиль, созданный для музыки

    Наслаждайтесь музыкой в Volvo XC40 c помощью таких функций, как уникальный воздухопроницаемый вуфер, который обеспечивает точный и мощный звук. Для большего погружения в звук можно выбрать дополнительную звуковую систему Harman Kardon Premium Sound — это результат нашего сотрудничества с одним из ведущих производителей аудиотехники.

  • Дизайн

    Дизайн интерьера, создающий вашу зону комфорта

    Благодаря высокой позиции водителя и минималистичному и чистому дизайну салона Volvo XC40 возвысит вас над повседневностью и предоставит вам контроль над ситуацией. Утонченные детали и тщательно подобранные материалы являются признаком подлинного шведского мастерства.

    На интерьер Volvo XC40 повлияла уникальная любовь шведов к свету. Дополнительная панорамная крыша наполняет салон дневным светом. Вы также можете установить светодиодное внутреннее освещение, которое подчеркивает плавные линии приборной доски и эксклюзивные декоративные панели в ночное время.

  • In-car Delivery

    Светодиодные фары — прогрессивный дизайн и превосходная видимость

    Услуга In-Car Delivery экономит ваше время и снижает вредное воздействие на окружающую среду. Она использует подключение к сети в Volvo XC40 для того, чтобы товары, заказанные онлайн, были доставлен в багажник вашего припаркованного автомобиля, поэтому вам не придется забирать посылку из пункта выдачи.

    После того, как вы подписались на услугу In-Car Delivery, выберите ее как вид доставки во время онлайн-шоппинга. Введите время доставки и местоположение автомобиля, и затем компания по доставке воспользуется одноразовым кодом доступа для разблокировки и блокировки двери багажника вашего автомобиля Volvo XC40. Это — шоппинг 21 века.

  • Возможности

    Истинный кроссовер с высоким клиренсом и сильным характером

    Высокий клиренс позволяет Volvo XC40 выглядеть мощно и обеспечивать отличную видимость. Большие колеса и шины легко справятся с любой дорогой. Это кроссовер, который буквально поможет вам возвыситься.

  • Каршеринг

    С помощью простой и безопасной функции каршеринга вы сможете делиться своим автомобилем с другими

    Чтобы поделиться своим Volvo XC40 с друзьями, семьей и коллегами, обеспечьте им доступ к автомобилю через свой телефон или мобильное устройство и приложение Volvo On Call. Необходимость передавать классический ключ отпадает, поэтому вам откроется целый мир возможностей. И, как и следовало ожидать от Volvo Cars, этот способ очень простой, безопасный и надежный.

XC40 | Volvo Cars

Introducing the new Volvo XC40 – the small SUV that’s big on innovation. With expressive design, ingenious storage and smart technology, it’s built for city life.

  • Design

    Made in Sweden, designed for city life

    Ian Kettle, lead exterior designer, talks about his creative process, and how the exterior design of the Volvo XC40 was influenced by sci-fi movies and consumer electronics. The Volvo XC40 is the authentic SUV for the city, by Volvo Cars. Youthful design combines with SUV proportions to create a car that makes a bold statement.
  • Versatility

    Life can get messy – your car doesn’t have to. Explore the smart storage features

    The Volvo XC40 has smart storage features that make life less complicated, including door bins large enough for laptops and handbags, and an ingenious foldout takeaway hook. There’s even a bin under the centre armrest that will hold a full-size tissue box. Loading and unloading the Volvo XC40 is easy thanks to features such as a hands-free, power-operated tailgate. Simply move your foot under the rear bumper to open or close it automatically. There’s also a foldable, removable load floor and rear backrests that can be folded at the touch of a button.
  • Technology

    Intuitive tech that’s as connected as you are

    Technology has a human feel in the Volvo XC40. From the easy-to-use centre touch screen to the high-resolution driver display and voice control that understands normal speech, it’s there to make things less complicated. It’s as natural as using your phone.
  • Car sharing

    Let others use your Volvo XC40 with simple, secure car sharing

    Share your Volvo XC40 easily with friends, family and colleagues by giving them access via their phone or mobile device and the Volvo On Call app. Not having to hand over a physical key opens up a world of possibilities and, as you’d expect from Volvo Cars, it couldn’t be simpler, safer or more secure.
  • Safety

    Discover how the Volvo XC40 helps keep you safe on every journey

    Run-off road Mitigation helps to keep you safe by keeping you on the road. If this innovation detects you are about to leave the road unintentionally, it uses steering input and, if necessary, brake support to guide you back on track. Volvo Cars is synonymous with road safety. We put our first safety cage into production in 1944 and created the three-point safety belt back in 1959. We’re still innovating, and our vision is that, by 2020, no one will be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car.

  • Driving

    Good visibility and agile handling, for confidence on city streets

    The Volvo XC40 inspires confidence thanks to a high seating position that gives great visibility. Agile handing and responsive steering mean that you always feel in control. Make city driving more relaxing with Pilot Assist. This feature automatically maintains a steady speed and distance to the car in front, and even helps steer the car, keeping you within lane markings. Take control with intelligent all-wheel drive technology that provides extra traction, with minimal increase in fuel consumption or emissions.
  • Audio

    Discover a car that’s made for music

    Enjoy music in the Volvo XC40 with features including a unique air-ventilated woofer that delivers precise, powerful sound. And for an even more immersive experience, choose the optional Harman Kardon Premium Sound audio system – the result of a collaboration with one of the world’s leading audio brands.
  • In-car Delivery

    Online shopping delivered to your Volvo XC40

    In-Car Delivery saves you time and reduces environmental impact. It uses the connectivity of the Volvo XC40 to allow online shopping to be delivered to the trunk of your car while it’s parked, so you don’t have to wait around for a parcel to arrive, or travel to pick it up from a collection point.
  • Design

    Interior design that elevates you above the everyday

    With a raised seating position and uncluttered cabin design, the Volvo XC40 elevates you above the everyday and puts you in control. Beautiful details and carefully selected materials are the mark of true Swedish craftsmanship. The interior of the Volvo XC40 is shaped by a uniquely Swedish appreciation of light. An optional panoramic roof floods the interior with natural light by day. You can also add LED interior lighting that highlights the beautifully sculpted dashboard and exclusive decor panels at night.
  • SUV capability

    True SUV character, with high ground clearance and large wheels

    High ground clearance gives the Volvo XC40 a powerful stance and excellent visibility. Large wheels and tyres cope effortlessly with any road. This is the SUV that allows you to rise above it all.

The Volvo XC40 in pictures – discover design that’s youthful, authentic and full of character.

The Volvo XC40 is a new type of Volvo, yet it remains true to the way we’ve always created our cars – designed around you. With design and innovation to make your life more enjoyable and less complicated.

  • Driving

    Parking is easier with a 360° camera to help you

    Parking on busy city streets is easy in the Volvo XC40, especially with the availability of a 360° camera. This clever feature gives you a detailed ‘birds-eye’ view of your car, so you can see where it is in relation to other vehicles and objects.
  • CleanZone

    Breath clean air wherever you are, with CleanZone

    CleanZone allows you to breathe clean air inside your Volvo XC40, no matter what the air quality is outside. This Volvo Cars innovation uses an air filter to reduce the level of dust, pollen and other harmful particles. It automatically closes the car’s air intakes and switches to air recirculation if necessary.
  • Design

    Express yourself through beautiful colour options

    Express your personality through a choice of vibrant, contemporary colours. And, depending on trim level, choose from roof and door mirror housings in black or white for an even more distinctive look.
  • Tech

    Wireless phone charging for less clutter and more convenience

    The Volvo XC40 has a storage space on the tunnel console where a mobile phone can be stored and wirelessly charged, reducing clutter and making it easy to reach. The phone rests at just the right angle for you to pick it up easily, or glance at it if you need to.
  • Connectivity

    Stay connected, with seamless smartphone integration and mobile wifi

    Volvo On Call is the app that connects your phone, tablet or wearable device with your Volvo XC40 to provide remote access and a range of useful functions. It allows you to pre-heat or pre-cool your Volvo XC40, lock or unlock it remotely, find it in a crowded car park and much more. With Volvo On Call, your Volvo XC40 becomes your personal assistant. It knows when you’ve got appointments, where they are and how to get there. Volvo On Call also allows you to connect your Volvo to the internet using a SIM card, giving you in-car wifi wherever you go.
  • Driving

    Inventive solutions to fit your life into your car

Explore the Volvo XC40 in glorious detail with our interactive 360° view.

Care by Volvo

New XC40 Personal Offers

LEARN MORE The New XC40 T3 FWD Momentum Manual from £299 a month on Personal Contract Hire with Volvo Car Financial Services**. Initial rental £5,829, 36 month contract, 10,000 miles per annum, excess mileage charges apply.

**Click above for important information.

LEARN MORE The New XC40 available at 5.9% APR Representative over 49 months with 3 years complementary servicing when financed on Personal Contract Purchase with Volvo Car Financial Services*

*Finance subject to status. Ts & Cs apply. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Volvo Car Financial Services Rh2 1SR.

LEARN MORE The New Volvo XC40 with 3 years servicing for £399 or 5 years servicing for £599***

***Click above for important information.

A new and unique way to drive a Volvo

You get the best out of the car. We take care of the rest.

The New Volvo XC40 T3 FWD Momentum Manual at £299 a month on Personal Contract Hire with Volvo Car Financial Services**. Initial rental £5,829, 36 month contract, 10,000 miles per annum, excess mileage charges apply.

  • Monthly Rental £299 £329 £339 £359 £389
    Initial Rental £5,829 £5,921 £5,477 £6,073 £6,548
    Contract Length 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months
    Mileage per annum 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
    Excess mileage charge for first 5,000 excess miles 7.56p 7.56p 7.56p 7.56p 7.56p
    After 5,000 excess miles, excess mileage charge 10.08p 10.08p 10.08p 10.08p 10.08p

    **Important Information: 18’s & over, subject to status. Guarantee/Indemnity may be required. You will not own the vehicle and it must be returned in good condition to avoid further charges. Subject to availability at participating dealers for vehicles ordered by 01/11/18 to 31/12/18. Not available with other promotions. Excess mileage will be charged at 7.56p per mile for the first 5,000 excess miles. After 5,000 excess miles, excess mileage will be charged at 10.08p per mile. Provided by Santander Consumer (UK) PLC trading as Volvo Car Financial Services, Rh2 1SR. Image shown is an XC40 T3 R-Design

The New Volvo XC40 available at 5.9% APR Representative with 3 years complementary servicing when financed on Personal Contract Purchase with Volvo Car Financial Services* *Finance subject to status. Ts & Cs apply. 18s or over. Guarantee/Indemnity may be required. Volvo Car Financial Services Rh2 1SR.


  • Monthly payments £299 £329 £339 £359
    Customer deposit £7,467.58 £7,281.59 £6,812.94 £6,197.73
    Finance deposit contribution £0 £0 £0 £0
    APR 5.9% 5.9% 5.9% 5.9%
    On the road price (Including Metallic Paint) £30,485 £32,335 £32,410 £33,345
    Retailer contribution £0 £0 £0 £0
    Revised on the road price £30,485 £32,335 £32,410 £33,345
    Amount of credit £23,017.42 £25,053.41 £25,597.06 £27,147.27
    Interest charges £4,253.33 £4,607.96 £4,690.56 £4,977.86
    Total amount payable £34,738.33 £36,942.96 £37,100.56 £38,322.86
    Optional final payment £12,918.75 £13,869.38 £14,015.63 £14,893.13
     Duration of agreement (months) 49 49 49 49
     Fixed rate of interest p.a 3.04% 3.04% 3.04% 3.04%
     Mileage per annum 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
    Excess mileage charge 14.9p per mile 14.9p per mile 14.9p per mile 14.9p per mile

    *Finance subject to status. Subject to availability at participating dealers only on vehicles ordered by 31st December 2018. At the end of the agreement there are 3 options: (i) Renew: Part exchange the vehicle. (ii) Retain: Pay the Optional Final Payment to own the vehicle or (iii) Return the vehicle. Further charges may be made subject to the condition or mileage of the vehicle. Terms and conditions apply. Applicants must be 18 or over. Guarantee/Indemnity may be required. Volvo Car Financial Services Rh2 1SR. Retail offer only. Excludes fleet operators and business users.

The New Volvo XC40 now with 3 years complementary servicing when financing at 5.9%APR* on Personal Contract Purchase with Volvo Car Financial Services.  Also available, 5 years serving for only £599

*Finance subject to status. Ts & Cs apply. 18s or over. Guarantee/Indemnity may be required. Volvo Car Financial Services  Rh2 1SR.

  • ***Important Information: The service offer is only applicable to eligible Volvo XC90 / XC60 / S90 / V90 / S60 / New V60 / V40 / New XC40 (excluding V60 Plug-in Hybrid and V60 Polestar) vehicles ordered in the customer's name on or after 1st October 2018 up to and including 31st December 2018. The services must be carried out in the United Kingdom at a Volvo Authorised Repairer by Volvo Approved Technicians at the correct competence level.

    5 year offer: The retail service is for 5 years or 90K miles, whichever occurs first and includes 5 services at a cost to the customer of £599 incl. VAT (£499.17 ex VAT).

    3 year offer: The retail service is for 3 years or 54K miles, whichever occurs first and includes 3 services at a cost to the customer of £399 incl. VAT (£332.50 ex VAT). The retail offer is only available for purchase at any time up to 1 month after car registration, and as long as the vehicle meets the appropriate conditions. Services must be carried out in line with manufacturers service schedules as per VIDA (copies of which are available on request), which may be updated from time to time according to manufacturer's instructions. Services should be undertaken in line with the time and mileage intervals specified in the Volvo Service Handbook supplied with the car. The service offer includes parts and labour for all scheduled services. Owners are responsible for topping up the various fluids and coolant in between services. Wear and tear items such as brake pads, discs, bulbs, wiper blades, tyres and brake fluid are not included. The service offer is not available on vehicles that have undergone any form of aftermarket unapproved tuning or performance enhancement and excludes all non-scheduled service work and accident damage. The service offer is transferable to subsequent owners of the car but not transferable to another car. No refund is available if the services are not used. Volvo reserves the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time.

    Subject to additional terms and conditions, and excludes fleet operators. Retail Offer only.

Next Steps


Introducing the new Volvo XC40 – the small SUV that’s big on innovation. With expressive design, ingenious storage and smart technology, it’s built for city life. 

  • Design

    Made in Sweden, designed for city life

    Ian Kettle, lead exterior designer, talks about his creative process, and how the exterior design of the Volvo XC40 was influenced by sci-fi movies and consumer electronics.  The Volvo XC40 is the authentic SUV for the city, by Volvo Cars. Youthful design combines with SUV proportions to create a car that makes a bold statement. 
  • Versatility

    Life can get messy – your car doesn’t have to. Explore the smart storage features

    The Volvo XC40 has smart storage features that make life less complicated, including door bins large enough for laptops and handbags, and an ingenious foldout takeaway hook. There’s even a bin under the centre armrest that will hold a full-size tissue box.  Loading and unloading the Volvo XC40 is easy thanks to features such as a hands-free, power-operated tailgate. Simply move your foot under the rear bumper to open or close it automatically. There’s also a foldable, removable load floor and rear backrests that can be folded at the touch of a button. 
  • Technology

    Intuitive tech that’s as connected as you are

    Technology has a human feel in the Volvo XC40. From the easy-to-use centre touch screen to the high-resolution driver display and voice control that understands normal speech, it’s there to make things less complicated. It’s as natural as using your phone. 
  • Safety

    Discover how the Volvo XC40 helps keep you safe on every journey

    Run-off road Mitigation helps to keep you safe by keeping you on the road. If this innovation detects you are about to leave the road unintentionally, it uses steering input and, if necessary, brake support to guide you back on track.  Volvo Cars is synonymous with road safety. We put our first safety cage into production in 1944 and created the three-point safety belt back in 1959. We’re still innovating, and our vision is that, by 2020, no one will be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car. 
  • Driving

    Good visibility and agile handling, for confidence on city streets

    The Volvo XC40 inspires confidence thanks to a high seating position that gives great visibility. Agile handing and responsive steering mean that you always feel in control.  Make city driving more relaxing with Pilot Assist. This feature automatically maintains a steady speed and distance to the car in front, and even helps steer the car, keeping you within lane markings.  Take control with intelligent all-wheel drive technology that provides extra traction, with minimal increase in fuel consumption or emissions. 

  • Audio

    Discover a car that’s made for music

    Enjoy music in the Volvo XC40 with features including a unique air-ventilated woofer that delivers precise, powerful sound. And for an even more immersive experience, choose the optional Harman Kardon Premium Sound audio system – the result of a collaboration with one of the world’s leading audio brands. 
  • Design

    Interior design that elevates you above the everyday

    With a raised seating position and uncluttered cabin design, the Volvo XC40 elevates you above the everyday and puts you in control. Beautiful details and carefully selected materials are the mark of true Swedish craftsmanship.  The interior of the Volvo XC40 is shaped by a uniquely Swedish appreciation of light. An optional panoramic roof floods the interior with natural light by day. You can also add LED interior lighting that highlights the beautifully sculpted dashboard and exclusive decor panels at night. 
  • SUV capability

    True SUV character, with high ground clearance and large wheels

    High ground clearance gives the Volvo XC40 a powerful stance and excellent visibility. Large wheels and tyres cope effortlessly with any road. This is the SUV that allows you to rise above it all. 
  • Car sharing

    Let others use your Volvo XC40 with simple, secure car sharing - NOT YET AVAILABLE IN NEW ZEALAND

    Share your Volvo XC40 easily with friends, family and colleagues by giving them access via their phone or mobile device and the Volvo On Call app. Not having to hand over a physical key opens up a world of possibilities and, as you’d expect from Volvo Cars, it couldn’t be simpler, safer or more secure. 
  • In-car Delivery

    Online shopping delivered to your Volvo XC40 - NOT YET AVAILABLE IN NEW ZEALAND

    In-Car Delivery saves you time and reduces environmental impact. It uses the connectivity of the Volvo XC40 to allow online shopping to be delivered to the trunk of your car while it’s parked, so you don’t have to wait around for a parcel to arrive, or travel to pick it up from a collection point.  Once you’ve signed up for In-Car Delivery, you simply select it as the delivery option when you shop online. You choose the delivery time and location and the delivery company uses a one-time access code to unlock and lock the trunk of your Volvo XC40. It’s shopping made easy. 

The Volvo XC40 in pictures – discover design that’s youthful, authentic and full of character.

Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV - Λεπτομέρεια εσωτερικού Νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV - Εξωτερικό Νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Πλάγια όψη του νέου Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Το νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Το νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV - Λεπτομέρεια στα φώτα Νέο Volvo XC40 Compcat SUV Νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV Νέο Volvo XC40 Compact SUV - Λεπτομέρεια εσωτερικού Der Volvo XC40 - Detailschuss - Rücklichter

The Volvo XC40 is a new type of Volvo, yet it remains true to the way we’ve always created our cars – designed around you. With design and innovation to make your life more enjoyable and less complicated.

  • CleanZone

    Breath clean air wherever you are, with CleanZone

    CleanZone allows you to breathe clean air inside your Volvo XC40, no matter what the air quality is outside. This Volvo Cars innovation uses an air filter to reduce the level of dust, pollen and other harmful particles. It automatically closes the car’s air intakes and switches to air recirculation if necessary. 
  • Design

    Express yourself through beautiful colour options

    Express your personality through a choice of vibrant, contemporary colours. And, depending on trim level, choose from roof and door mirror housings in black or white for an even more distinctive look. 
  • Tech

    Wireless phone charging for less clutter and more convenience

    The Volvo XC40 has a storage space on the tunnel console where a mobile phone can be stored and wirelessly charged, reducing clutter and making it easy to reach. The phone rests at just the right angle for you to pick it up easily, or glance at it if you need to. 
  • Connectivity

    Stay connected, with seamless smartphone integration and mobile wifi

    Volvo On Call is the app that connects your phone, tablet or wearable device with your Volvo XC40 to provide remote access and a range of useful functions. It allows you to pre-heat or pre-cool your Volvo XC40, lock or unlock it remotely, find it in a crowded car park and much more. VOLVO ON CALL IS NOT YET AVAILABLE IN NEW ZEALAND. With Volvo On Call, your Volvo XC40 becomes your personal assistant. It knows when you’ve got appointments, where they are and how to get there. Volvo On Call also allows you to connect your Volvo to the internet using a SIM card, giving you in-car wifi wherever you go. 
  • Driving

    Inventive solutions to fit your life into your car

  • Driving

    Parking is easier with a 360° camera to help you

    Parking on busy city streets is easy in the Volvo XC40, especially with the availability of a 360° camera. This clever feature gives you a detailed ‘birds-eye’ view of your car, so you can see where it is in relation to other vehicles and objects. 

Explore the Volvo XC40 in glorious detail with our interactive 360° view.

The top-of-the-range Harman Kardon Premium Sound audio system has 13 speakers for beautifully balanced, powerful sound.

With a volume of 479 litres to the top of the rear backrests, the Volvo XC40 has one of the largest load compartments in its class.

Nine different dynamic alloy wheel designs that range from 17 to 21 inches in diameter.

The optional 360˚ camera makes parking easier by giving you a bird’s-eye view of your car and its surroundings.

Register now to keep updated on the new Volvo XC40

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