С-Петербург, улица Тосина 3
+7 (812) 917-84-85
+7 (921) 316-27-00

2018 mercedes amg gt

2018 Mercedes-AMG GT S | Mercedes-Benz

* Excludes all options, taxes, title registration, $995 transportation charge and dealer preparation fees.

** All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning System satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. Five years of the mbrace Connect package are included, starting on the original retail sale or lease date from an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

The mbrace Mobile App is compatible with Apple iPhone® models running iOS 7.0 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.3 or later.

Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.

*** A discount on the combined monthly rate is offered when the mbrace® Concierge and mbrace® Entertain packages are ordered together. Please see your dealer.

† Stated rates of acceleration are based upon manufacturer's track results and may vary depending on model environmental and road surface conditions, driving style, elevation and vehicle load.

†† EPA estimated fuel economy. Compare the estimated mpg to the estimated mpg of other vehicles. You may get different mileage depending on how fast you drive, weather conditions and trip length. Your actual highway mileage will probably be less than the highway estimate.

4. No system, regardless of how advanced, can overcome the laws of physics or correct careless driving. Please always wear your seat belt. Performance is limited by available traction, which snow, ice and other conditions can affect. Always drive carefully, consistent with conditions. Best performance in snow is obtained with winter tires.

5. Braking effectiveness also depends on proper brake maintenance, and tire and road conditions.

6. All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning Satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. An mbrace Package trial period is offered on new, Certified Pre-Owned and pre-owned sales and leases at an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

7. The mbrace is compatible with select Apple iPhone® models running iOS 4.2 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.1 or later.

8. Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.


10. Occupant classification system (OCS) is designed to turn the front passenger's front air bag off when the system senses the weight of a typical child 12 months old or less, plus the weight of a standard appropriate child restraint. See operator's manual for important additional information on this system, and for further information regarding the transportation of children heavier than a typical 12-month-old.

11. Driving while drowsy or distracted is dangerous and must be avoided. ATTENTION ASSIST may be insufficient to alert a fatigued or distracted driver of lane drift and cannot be relied on to avoid an accident or serious injury.

12. COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST may not be sufficient to avoid an accident. It does not react to certain stationary objects, nor recognize or predict the curvature and/or lane layout of the road or every movement of vehicles ahead. It is the driver's responsibility at all times to be attentive to traffic and road conditions, and to provide the steering, braking and other driving inputs necessary to retain control of the vehicle. Drivers are cautioned not to wait for the system's alerts before braking, as that may not afford sufficient time and distance to brake safely. See Operator's Manual for system's operating speeds and additional information and warnings.

Обзор Mercedes AMG GT 2018 года

Двухместный спорткар немецкой компании появился на свет в 2015 году и производится специальным подразделением компании AMG, которое занимается производством спортивных версий Мерседеса с мощными двигателями. На данный момент покупателям предлагается два варианта кузова: родстер и купе.

Основные достоинства автомобиля, которые отметили его покупатели:

  • невероятно большая мощность;
  • оригинальный спортивный дизайн;
  • высокий уровень безопасности;
  • престижность;
  • богатая комплектация.

В конце прошлого года в автосалоне столицы Франции немецкий концерн представил две новинки Мерседеса версии AMG GT образца 2018 года, что будет производится в кузове родстера:

  • Mercedes AMG GT Roadster.
  • GT C Roadster.

Обновленная версия этого родстера должна появится из-за того, что автомобиль предыдущей модели пользуется постоянным большим спросом, а значит его нужно поддержать и по возможности даже увеличить за счет двух представленных в Париже новинок. Благодаря появлению новинок концерн увеличит количество продаж, а семейство спорткаров увеличится до 4 авто.

Экстерьер спортивного родстера 2018 года

Обе новинки получили одинаковый дизайн, основное отличие будет заключаться в техническом оснащении, что будет существенно отличатся друг от друга.

В первую очередь разработчики и дизайнеры компании занялись разработкой и созданием оригинального спортивного вида модели со стремительным образом. По фотографиям сразу же можно заметить, что автомобиль получил обновленный передний бампер с улучшенной аэродинамикой, который получил 15 вертикальных линий хромированного типа. Воздухозаборники, интегрированные в бампер, получили большие отверстия.

Кроме этого существует ряд отличительных нюансов, предающих автомобилю спортивного образа:

  • короткие свесы кузова;
  • углеволокнистые крупногабаритные передние крылья;
  • удлиненный капот;
  • дизайнерское исполнение светодиодной оптики;
  • большой угол наклона лобового стекла;
  • пороговые накладки с аэродинамическими элементами;
  • спойлер, выдвигающийся на большой скорости;
  • зеркала заднего вида аэродинамической формы;
  • большие алюминиевые диски;
  • широкие колесные арки;
  • хромированная окантовка диффузоров выхлопной трубы;
  • темный задний бампер с интегрированными патрубками системы выхлопа.

Также нужно заметить, что мягкая крыша автомобиля предлагает вариации светового исполнения: белый, красный и черный. Сам кузов также получил специальный цвет, что является эксклюзивным и направлен на подчеркивание спортивного стиля авто – Green Hell.

Интерьер немецкого спорткара

Внешний образ автомобиля сразу же подчеркивается оригинальными спортивными креслами специальной формы с ярко выраженной боковой поддержкой и тщательно продуманными ремнями безопасности водителя и его пассажира. Сразу же за сиденьями установлены специальные дуги безопасности, которые необходимы для родстеров. Руль получил многофункциональное исполнение, а также специальную перфорацию, обеспечивающую максимальный контакт водителя с рулевым колесом для полного контроля авто во время езды.

Для обивки салона использовалась натуральная кожа, микрофибра, карбон и полированный алюминий. Крыша автомобиля выполнена в трехслойном матерчатом исполнении, это позволяет сдерживать комфортный температурный уровень внутри родстера. Сиденья получили множество регулировок и настроек, в том числе подогрев и вентиляцию, что позволяет пассажирам комфортно себя чувствовать. Кроме этого автомобиль оснащен специальной системой подогрева воздушного пространства в верхней части салона.

Панель приборов спорткара получила две большие шкалы тахометра и спидометра, между которыми установлен небольшой монитор многофункционального бортового компьютера. На центральной консоли установлен 8,4-дюймовый сенсорный дисплей мультимедийной системы с функцией голосового управления. Интересное внешнее исполнение получил и нижний тоннель, он достаточно широкий, а на нем органично расположились клавиши управления и алюминиевая отделка некоторых элементов.

Интерьер родстера был тщательно продуман, подгонка всех элементов идеальна, что свойственно для немецких автомобилей. В целом стоит отметить, что каждый элемент интерьера подчеркивает спортивный стиль и создается ощущение, что сидишь не в автомобиле, а в кабине реактивного самолета.

Технические параметры

Размеры автомобиля обоих версий остались неизменными, единственный параметр, что был увеличен – это ширина родстера. В целом габариты новинки таковы:

  • длина – 4550 мм;
  • ширина – 1940 мм (на 46 мм больше, чем у предшественника)
  • высота – 1290 мм;
  • колесная база – 2630 мм.

Для технического оснащения спорткара предусмотрено два силовых агрегата, по одному на каждую модификацию образца 2018 года:

  • бензиновый V8, объем 4 литра, мощность – 476 лошадок;
  • 4-ох литровый V8 форсированного типа с мощностью 557 лошадиных сил.

Единственный предусмотренный вариант трансмиссии – 7-ит диапазонная автоматическая коробка передач с возможностью механической блокировки дифференциала заднего моста.

Немецкий спорткар 2018 года получил задний привод, независимую подвеску и дисковые вентилируемые тормоза. За дополнительную плату водитель сможет получить опцию – карбоновые тормоза. Автомобиль будет оснащаться 19-ти и 20-ти дюймовыми дисками, меньшие устанавливаются спереди, а более широкие сзади для создание устремленного вперед вида.

Стоимость и начало продаж

Продажи автомобиля стартовали в Северной Америке летом 2017 года, стоимость базовой комплектации составляет 132 тысячи долларов. В Европе продажи ожидаются осенью, минимальная цена остановилась на отметке в 123 тысячи евро, а вот за максимальную версию Mercedes AMG GR 2018 года придется выложить порядка 180 тысяч евро.

Стоит отметить, что этот автомобиль появится и на территории Российской Федерации, однако будет это не раньше января 2018 года. Стоимость обычного родстера в базовой комплектации – 8,6 миллионов рублей, версии с форсированным двигателем – 9 миллионов. Если же взять полный пакет дополнительных опций, то придется заплатить почти 12,5 миллионов рублей.

2018 Mercedes-AMG GT S | Mercedes-Benz

* Excludes all options, taxes, title registration, $995 transportation charge and dealer preparation fees.

** All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning System satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. Five years of the mbrace Connect package are included, starting on the original retail sale or lease date from an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

The mbrace Mobile App is compatible with Apple iPhone® models running iOS 7.0 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.3 or later.

Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.

*** A discount on the combined monthly rate is offered when the mbrace® Concierge and mbrace® Entertain packages are ordered together. Please see your dealer.

† Stated rates of acceleration are based upon manufacturer's track results and may vary depending on model environmental and road surface conditions, driving style, elevation and vehicle load.

†† EPA estimated fuel economy. Compare the estimated mpg to the estimated mpg of other vehicles. You may get different mileage depending on how fast you drive, weather conditions and trip length. Your actual highway mileage will probably be less than the highway estimate.

4. No system, regardless of how advanced, can overcome the laws of physics or correct careless driving. Please always wear your seat belt. Performance is limited by available traction, which snow, ice and other conditions can affect. Always drive carefully, consistent with conditions. Best performance in snow is obtained with winter tires.

5. Braking effectiveness also depends on proper brake maintenance, and tire and road conditions.

6. All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning Satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. An mbrace Package trial period is offered on new, Certified Pre-Owned and pre-owned sales and leases at an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

7. The mbrace is compatible with select Apple iPhone® models running iOS 4.2 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.1 or later.

8. Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.


10. Occupant classification system (OCS) is designed to turn the front passenger's front air bag off when the system senses the weight of a typical child 12 months old or less, plus the weight of a standard appropriate child restraint. See operator's manual for important additional information on this system, and for further information regarding the transportation of children heavier than a typical 12-month-old.

11. Driving while drowsy or distracted is dangerous and must be avoided. ATTENTION ASSIST may be insufficient to alert a fatigued or distracted driver of lane drift and cannot be relied on to avoid an accident or serious injury.

12. COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST may not be sufficient to avoid an accident. It does not react to certain stationary objects, nor recognize or predict the curvature and/or lane layout of the road or every movement of vehicles ahead. It is the driver's responsibility at all times to be attentive to traffic and road conditions, and to provide the steering, braking and other driving inputs necessary to retain control of the vehicle. Drivers are cautioned not to wait for the system's alerts before braking, as that may not afford sufficient time and distance to brake safely. See Operator's Manual for system's operating speeds and additional information and warnings.

2018 Mercedes-AMG GT R COUPE | Mercedes-Benz

* Excludes all options, taxes, title registration, $995 transportation charge and dealer preparation fees.

** All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning System satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. Five years of the mbrace Connect package are included, starting on the original retail sale or lease date from an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

The mbrace Mobile App is compatible with Apple iPhone® models running iOS 7.0 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.3 or later.

Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.

*** A discount on the combined monthly rate is offered when the mbrace® Concierge and mbrace® Entertain packages are ordered together. Please see your dealer.

† Stated rates of acceleration are based upon manufacturer's track results and may vary depending on model environmental and road surface conditions, driving style, elevation and vehicle load.

†† EPA estimated fuel economy. Compare the estimated mpg to the estimated mpg of other vehicles. You may get different mileage depending on how fast you drive, weather conditions and trip length. Your actual highway mileage will probably be less than the highway estimate.

4. No system, regardless of how advanced, can overcome the laws of physics or correct careless driving. Please always wear your seat belt. Performance is limited by available traction, which snow, ice and other conditions can affect. Always drive carefully, consistent with conditions. Best performance in snow is obtained with winter tires.

5. Braking effectiveness also depends on proper brake maintenance, and tire and road conditions.

6. All Mercedes-Benz mbrace® services operate only where cellular and Global Positioning Satellite signals are available, which are provided by third parties and not within the control of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. An mbrace Package trial period is offered on new, Certified Pre-Owned and pre-owned sales and leases at an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Subscriber Agreement is required for service to be active. Some services are only available on select vehicles. Your PIN is required in order to use certain services. Some services may be limited or restricted in some areas. Driver is responsible for complying with traffic and other laws. See your dealer or MBUSA.com/mbrace for details.

7. The mbrace is compatible with select Apple iPhone® models running iOS 4.2 or later, and Android-based phones running OS 2.1 or later.

8. Roadside Assistance repairs may involve charges for parts, service and towing. Vehicle must be accessible from main roads. Depending on the circumstance, these services may be provided by an outside provider, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. Restricted roadways, acts of nature and vehicle accessibility may limit our ability to provide services to you. For full details, eligibility requirements, and limitations/exclusions of Sign and Drive services, as well as the Roadside Assistance Program, please see your dealer.


10. Occupant classification system (OCS) is designed to turn the front passenger's front air bag off when the system senses the weight of a typical child 12 months old or less, plus the weight of a standard appropriate child restraint. See operator's manual for important additional information on this system, and for further information regarding the transportation of children heavier than a typical 12-month-old.

11. Driving while drowsy or distracted is dangerous and must be avoided. ATTENTION ASSIST may be insufficient to alert a fatigued or distracted driver of lane drift and cannot be relied on to avoid an accident or serious injury.

12. COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST may not be sufficient to avoid an accident. It does not react to certain stationary objects, nor recognize or predict the curvature and/or lane layout of the road or every movement of vehicles ahead. It is the driver's responsibility at all times to be attentive to traffic and road conditions, and to provide the steering, braking and other driving inputs necessary to retain control of the vehicle. Drivers are cautioned not to wait for the system's alerts before braking, as that may not afford sufficient time and distance to brake safely. See Operator's Manual for system's operating speeds and additional information and warnings.

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