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B klasse mercedes

Mercedes B-Klasse (W 245) – а стоит ли?

Можно предположить, что цвет приобретаемого автомобиля может нам что-нибудь рассказать о нраве покупателя марки Mercedes. Выбирая автомобиль, клиенты нередко руководствуются принципом: «не высовываться и не выделяться». Поэтому на спокойные тона приходится до 70 процентов продаж, а количество реализованных автомобилей в ярких цветах можно пересчитать по пальцам. Однако, при выборе компактного Мерседес важнее не цвет автомобиля, а возможность последующей перепродажи с минимальной потерей в цене.

Mercedes B-Klasse не настолько консервативен, как большинство его покупателей. Авто скрывает под кузовом много интересных и инновационных решений. Одно из них применение двойного пола, благодаря чему двигатель и коробка передач находятся под пассажирским отсеком. Это позволяет лучше и более эффективно использовать пространство внутри автомобиля: водитель сидит достаточно высоко, а в распоряжении пассажиров имеется много места. Обзор во всех направлениях очень хороший. Если к этому добавить вместительный багажник с плоским полом, то мы получаем действительно интересный и на удивление просторный автомобиль.

Мерседес В-класса привлекает прежде всего уютным интерьером. Больше всего похвалы заслуживают кресла, которые кажутся идеальными. Внутри возникает ощущение простора и хорошей видимости. Уже с первых километров становится понятно, что Mercedes очень прост в использовании. Это касается и отличной эргономики и приятной коробки передач. Наверное, в этом кроется секрет успеха, которым пользуется В-класс в Европе среди пожилых автолюбителей. Безусловно, на B-Klasse обращают внимание и молодые водители, которые выбирают его как большой семейный автомобиль.

Мало какие из компактов настолько же жесткие, как и В-класс. Похоже, что в Mercedes буквально восприняли термин «Sports Tourer», сделав его подвеску очень плотной. Ходовая компакта некомфортная. Все время не выходит мысль из головы: чем руководствовались в Мерседес, применив такие жесткие настройки подвески, которые так сильно не соответствуют характеру семейного автомобиля. Мало того, расплывчатое рулевое управление не располагает к спортивной езде.

Но когда речь заходит о солидной внутренней отделке интерьера, Мерседес демонстрирует образцовое качество. Даже спустя 100 000 км материалы отделки почти как новые: кресла и обивка выглядят удивительно свежими.

109-сильный дизельный двигатель CDI – довольно вялый и не скрывает своего присутствия. Мотор производит много шума из ничего: в нижнем диапазоне оборотов ощущается турбояма, а затем стрелка тахометра довольно быстро упирается в ограничитель. Автомобиль для 2-литрового дизеля слишком тяжелый. Для динамичного передвижения необходимо часто сменять передачи, что приводит к существенному увеличению расхода топлива. Средний расход топлива составил около 7,7 л/100 км. Это довольно-таки много.

Если в отношении силовых агрегатов Mercedes B не устанавливает новых стандартов, то в плане надежности ему это удалось. За время длительного испытания длинной в 100 000 км в встречались только мелкие неисправности электроники. Так на 65 733 км отказал вентилятор, который всегда работал на самой высшей пятой скорости. Понадобилась замена резистора электродвигателя вентилятора. Меньше чем через 30 тыс. км на 93 815 км высветился индикатор системы ESP. Как выяснилось, ошибка была вызвана неисправностью выключателя стоп-сигналов. Именно эти две досадные мелочи не позволили компактному Мерседес занять высокие позиции в рейтинге надежности.

Окончательный демонтаж практически не выявил никакого износа среди основных компонентов двигателя и коробки передач. Поршни, цилиндры, подшипники и подвижные элементы – все после длительного теста сохранилось в отличном состоянии. На шестернях коробки передач не было даже малейших следов износа. «Марафонец» выглядел так свежо, словно только что выехал из ворот завода.

Именно так восхищенно описывали результаты ресурсного испытания Mercedes B 180 CDI автоэксперты немецкого автомобильного журнала «Auto Bild». Однако, спустя несколько лет их коллеги из польского отделения редакции поменяли свое мнение. Вот, что они пишут.

Мерседес В класса – это один из сравнительно недорогих способов заполучить новый автомобиль со звездой на капоте. Сравнительно недорого – это только на момент покупки. Позже, все может быть не так уж радужно.

Исторически сложилось, что Mercedes создавался с мыслью о том, что он будет служить долго, а устранение неисправностей не доставит сложностей. Если в вопросах долговечности, по крайне мере, что касается железа и механики, все не так уж и плохо, то о легкости ремонта не может быть и речи.

Неплохого простора в салоне В-класса удалось добиться благодаря плотному расположению двигателя под капотом. Поэтому, даже в случае незначительных неисправностей счета за ремонт могут быть астрономическими. Так прозаичная операция по замене помпы требует извлечения мотора.

Двигатели CDI, используемые во многих моделях Mercedes, известны сложностью демонтажа неисправных свечей накаливания или форсунок. Если они прикипают, то требуется снятие головки блока цилиндров.

В соответствии с технологической картой производителя для этой модели на снятие ГБЦ отводится 18 часов! За один рабочий час в дилерском сервисе Mercedes необходимо заплатить около 3000 рублей, а за всю работу – около 50 000 рублей!

Сравнительно проблемная и бесступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач. Здесь на замену коробки по технологии производителя отводится 12,5 часов. К этому еще необходимо добавить стоимость трансмиссии или, по крайней мере, запасных частей.

Значительно дешевле и быстрей автомобиль смогут отремонтировать в неавторизованных сервисах, специализирующихся на ремонте Mercedes. Но на бросовые цены рассчитывать не приходится – об этом позаботились конструкторы.

Особое внимание стоит обратить на тот факт, что блок предохранителей и аккумулятор размещены в ногах переднего пассажира. Несмотря на наличие крышки, остерегайтесь попадания воды, например из пролитой бутылочки или от растаявшего снега.

В оценке долговечности автомобиля огромное значение имеет состояние кузова. B-Klasse производит довольно солидное впечатление, но только до тех пор, пока не будет проведен тщательный осмотр. Оказывается, что Мерседес так и не сделал никаких выводов из ошибок прошлого – В-класс ржавеет!

Об этом стало известно уже в 2008 году. Тогда производитель заявил, что была нарушена технология изготовления дверей и капота. По-видимому, герметик наносили на голый металлический лист прежде, чем металл получал защиту от коррозии, которая проводится методом катодного погружения. В результате очаги коррозии возникали в местах нанесения герметика.

Если о проблеме было хорошо известно уже в 2008 году, то возможно, последующие экземпляры уже освобождены от данного дефекта. Вовсе нет! Он по-прежнему ржавеет. Все это печально, на фоне, в общем-то, неплохой статистики надежности.

2019 S-Class Sedan


National MSRP pricing is shown and is intended for informational purposes only. Prices do not include taxes, levies, fees, freight and delivery charges, insurance and license fees, as well as any other products or services not listed that may be available to you through your selected Mercedes-Benz retailer. Vehicle prices subject to change without notice. Dealer may sell for less. These prices do not apply in provinces with total/all-in pricing requirements. Please contact your local retailer directly by phone or in person for exact pricing details and total prices applicable in those provinces.


Some systems are optional. Even the most advanced safety systems may not be sufficient to avoid an accident. It is the driver's responsibility at all times to be attentive to traffic and road conditions, and to provide the steering, braking and other driving inputs necessary to retain control of the vehicle. Drivers are cautioned not to wait for system alerts before braking or taking evasive action, as that may not afford sufficient time and distance. See Operator's Manual for system operating speeds and additional information and warnings.


Apple CarPlay™ is a product of Apple Inc. Android Auto is a product of Google Inc. Device and app providers' terms and privacy statements apply. Requires connected compatible device and data plan. Apps, content and features are selected solely by their providers. Connection to apps and streaming services may be limited by the device's network connection. Data usage is routed through device and subject to fees, charges and restrictions in user's wireless plan. Vehicle's factory audio/information interface, including COMAND® navigation, may not be used simultaneously with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. When Apple CarPlay or Android Auto is in use, the steering-wheel voice control button accesses Siri® or Google voice recognition software for voice commands.


Wireless charging and NFC pairing available only for devices with compatible technology and size. See Operator's Manual for more information. Devices sold separately.


Some features of Energizing Comfort Control may be optional.


While the navigation system provides directional assistance, the driver must remain focused on safe driving behaviour, including paying attention to traffic and street signs. The driver should utilize the system's audio cues while driving and should only consult the map or visual displays once the vehicle has been stopped in a safe place. Maps do not cover all areas or all routes within an area.


No system, regardless of how advanced, can overcome the laws of physics or correct careless driving. Please always wear your seat belt. Performance is limited by available traction, which snow, ice and other conditions can affect. Always drive carefully, consistent with conditions. Best performance in snow is obtained with winter tires.

The V-Class – The spacious sedan with the star.

The Mercedes-Benz V-Class combines comfort and luxury on a large scale.

Vow – Fascination V-Class.

Elegance, style, comfort and spaciousness define every V-Class. The universal concept provides precisely the right solution for everyone and every situation. Thanks to its innovative safety systems and spaciousness, the V-Class is also a perfect family vehicle. However, powerful engines and a flexible seating concept also make it the perfect platform for all adventurers and enthusiastic athletes. The V-Class and the V-Class AVANTGARDE include an extensive range of exciting equipment highlights that fulfill almost every wish.

Mercedes-Benz presents luxury in a unique format with the V-Class EXCLUSIVE, the ultimate VIP shuttle and an exclusive vehicle for long journeys. Extensive engine and transmission variants along with optional extras, equipment packages together with original accessories allow every single V-Class to be customized beyond the scope of the three equipment lines, V-Class, V-Class AVANTGARDE and V-Class EXCLUSIVE.

The larger, the more functional? Unmistakably a member of the Mercedes-Benz family, the V-Class proves the opposite. The powerful and expressive front with the tapered hood and modern headlights create a dynamic complement to the large, tranquil surfaces behind it. Rising lines which connect the rear to the sporty chrome frame of the radiator grille form a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing site design.

The expressive interior gives the V-Class the exciting and unpredictable flair of a passenger vehicle combined with outstanding reliability.

The interior of the V-Class also presents a stylish design. The cockpit features high-quality recessed switches and inputs integrated into one extensive wave shape. The free-standing media display is a skillfully designed centerpiece. The driver no longer has to lower his gaze from the road and has an easier view of important information. High-quality materials, smooth transitions and chrome applications make the V-Class a comfort zone on every journey. The rear compartment continues this sensual character. First-class materials and leathers add a haptic element to the incomparable atmosphere. The AVANTGARDE and EXCLUSIVE equipment lines enhance the interior with numerous additional standard elements. These include the expressive ambient lighting or the large panoramic sliding roof.

The V-Class is available in three lengths: compact (4895 mm), long (5140 mm) and extra-long (5370 mm). Due to its exclusive interior design, the V-Class EXCLUSIVE is only available as the long variant. The refined design and the high-quality applications in the interior provide the V-Class with a stylish ambience while its flexible seating concept transforms it into a truly personalized space.

The standard rear compartment features four individual seats. Optionally, the vehicle can also be fitted with one or even two rows of three-seater benches. This provides seating for up to eight people. In addition, the seats can be arranged to face each other or aligned in the driving direction. If space is needed for a bicycle or other bulky objects, then the seats in the rear compartment can be removed completely thanks to the elegant rail system with quick release fasteners. The cockpit is equipped with comfort seats for the driver and front passenger. These assist with maintaining an ergonomic sitting posture and enhance the condition on long journeys. The seats in the cockpit can be rotated toward the doors in order to enable easy entry and exit and can also be rotated 180° to face the rear passengers.

The V-Class is available with three state-of-the-art four-cylinder diesel engines. These engines are distinguished by their high-torque, economic consumption and low noise. The 100 kW and 120 kW variants are equipped with a powerful and efficient 6-speed manual transmission as a standard feature. The 140 kW variant along with all of the 4MATIC all-wheel drive variants comes with the 7G-TRONIC PLUS automatic transmission with CRUISE CONTROL, start assist, kick-down switch, immobilizer and DYNAMIC SELECT switch. This switch is used to select one of the four driving programs that configure parameters such as the engine, transmission, suspension and steering characteristics. In addition, the V-Class is also equipped with a comfort suspension to ensure superior driving comfort in every situation. Good driving dynamics, roll stabilization and exceptional noise comfort make the V-Class a quiet companion. The V-Class AVANTGARDE features the AGILITY CONTROL suspension, the damping system that provides balanced driving pleasure by optimizing the rolling behavior, damping and stabilization to match the road conditions. The sports suspension system in the V-Class EXCLUSIVE is based on the AGILITY CONTROL suspension system and is 15 mm lower, optimizing the handling.

V 200 d, 2.8 t (100 kW, 330 Nm, 136 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.5 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 171 g/km

V 220 d, 2.8 t (120 kW, 380 Nm, 163 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.1 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 159 g/km

V 250 d, 3.1 t (140 kW, 440 Nm, 190 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.0 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 158 g/km

V 200 d, 3.1 t 4MATIC (100 kW, 330 Nm, 136 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.6 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 177 g/km

V 220 d, 2.8 t 4MATIC (120 kW, 380 Nm, 163 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.6 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 177 g/km

V 250 d, 3.1 t 4MATIC (140 kW, 440 Nm, 190 hp)

Fuel consumption combined: 6.6 liters/100 km

Combined CO2 emissions: 177 g/km

The V-Class’ efficient engines fulfill the demanding Euro 6 Gr. I emission standard. In addition to emission-reducing measures such as an oxidizing catalytic converter and a particulate filter, the vehicle also utilizes the AdBlue® additive. The aqueous urea solution significantly reduces the nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines, providing an exceptionally clean solution. All of the engines with the 7G-TRONIC PLUS automatic transmission are also equipped with the BlueEFFICIENCY package. The ECO start/stop function prevents unnecessary emissions by switching off the engine when the vehicle stops in inner city or congested traffic. The fuel efficiency generator also recharges the battery during braking. Furthermore, the vehicle features additional aerodynamics optimizations on the underbody cladding. The BlueEFFICIENCY package is available as an option for all other engine variants.

A safety star.

The V-Class achieved the top score of five stars in the Euro NCAP Crash Test 2014. This makes the V-Class one of the ground-breaking vehicles in its class. Its exemplary safety systems are oriented on Mercedes-Benz's four-level integral safety concept.

Firstly: safe driving. The standard features in all three V-Class equipment lines include the ATTENTION ASSIST, the Crosswind Assist, the Headlight Assist and tire pressure monitoring. Other innovative safety features such as the DISTRONIC PLUS distance-keeping cruise control, the LED Intelligent Light System, the Headlight Assist, the Lane Keeping Assist, the Traffic Sign Assist along with the 360° camera can also be added as options.

Secondly: preventive protection in the event of danger. Amazing accident prevention technologies are available for the V-Class. PRE-SAFE identifies critical driving situations and takes preemptive measures, COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST prevents rear end collisions and brakes the vehicle in the event of an emergency. The Blind Spot Assist and the Lane Keeping Assist can also protect the driver against unexpected dangers.

Thirdly: optimum protection in an accident. All three V-Class equipment lines feature airbags and thorax-pelvis sidebags along with windowbags for the driver and front passenger and ensure optimum protection in the event of an accident.

Fourthly: damage control after an accident. If a serious collision still occurs, mechanisms such as the automatic engine shutdown and door unlocking, crash-active emergency lighting and activated hazard lights in all three V-Class equipment lines help to prevent any further damage and consequences.

Today, an innovative vehicle needs to offer more than highly dynamic handling and comfort. Digital information about the vehicle and traffic, a radio and smartphone connection have become important features that need to be harmoniously and intuitively integrated into the cockpit. The V-Class and the V-Class AVANTGARDE come with the Audio 20 USB system. External devices can be connected to the large CENTRAL MEDIA DISPLAY via Bluetooth in order to play back music or show photos. The instrument cluster with color display provides clear feedback which remains easily visible in all lighting conditions. The V-Class EXCLUSIVE is fitted with COMAND Online as a standard feature. The multimedia system provides an innovative array of interfaces such as the COMAND Controller with touchpad or the LINGUATRONIC voice control system, eliminating the need to waste time tapping tiny icons. The DVD drive and the 80 GB hard drive can be used for both entertainment and also real-time traffic information with a topographical 3D map display. In other words, the precise and ergonomic interface helps bring the passengers safely to their destination while providing great entertainment.

Mercedes me connect – intelligent networking.

With its Mercedes me world, Mercedes-Benz creates an impressive and comprehensive package for your mobility. The connectivity options provide tailored services and content which enrich and simplify the users' lives in addition to ensuring greater safety. Mercedes me connect enhances the interaction and relationship between the driver and Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The V-Class and the V-Class AVANTGARDE feature the basic Mercedes me connect services:

  • Maintenance management
  • Accident management
  • Breakdown management
  • Telediagnostics
  • Vehicle remote diagnostics

In addition to the basic services, the V-Class EXCLUSIVE also includes the Mercedes me connect online services as standard. The online services provide owners with useful information and effective functions for the V-Class on their smart devices. This includes remote locking and unlocking, parking heater programming and remotely querying the vehicle status for information about the tire pressure, tank level and other vehicle data.

In addition, the vehicle can also be located and geographically monitored. Users simply register in the Mercedes me portal and then download the app for iOS or android.

The basic version of the V-Class offers an exceptionally stylish and comfortable spacious experience with fantastic extras as standard features. The cockpit, in particular, is distinguished by Mercedes-Benz’s elegant design language. The multifunction steering wheel can be used to comfortably control both the multimedia system and the vehicle electronics. A travel computer displays useful information about the route ahead and the route already travelled. The trim elements with a glossy black piano lacquer look refine the sedan-like interior of the V-Class. A comfort roof control panel is fitted between the driver and front passenger and enables understated control of the lights. Rear passengers also travel in comfort: the TEMPMATIC semi-automatic climate control system ensures a comfortable temperature in the vehicle without creating uncomfortable drafts and the complete thermally insulated glass enables the air conditioning system to operate efficiently and economically. When the time finally comes to leave the V-Class, the illuminated doors guarantee the perfect exit.

The V-Class AVANTGARDE is distinguished by its exclusive design features and equipment created for exceptional aesthetics and demanding tastes. The beltline trim strip and the chrome decorative element at the rear give the vehicle a sporty and classy look. The second sliding door on the left side together with the separately opening rear window ensure far greater comfort and flexibility in the city. A special exterior highlight: The LED Intelligent Light System with Headlight Assist. The bright and durable headlight technology is especially easy on the eye and very bright. Whether cornering, on country roads or highways: the LEDs always provide the perfect lighting. In addition, the front and rear lights feature an attractive and unmistakable design that emphasizes the vehicle’s value. The style offensive continues in the interior. Chrome trim elements and the ash wood cladding in the cockpit create a modern atmosphere. Lugano leather seats and the Nappa leather gear shift lever together with the chrome trim clearly express the quality of the V-Class. Noble ambient lighting is the perfect finishing touch, creating the ideal color ambience in the interior for a sense of absolute comfort which not even the living room at home can compete with.

The V-Class EXCLUSIVE – exciting luxury.

The V-Class EXCLUSIVE is the top-of-the-line variant and the most exclusive monovolume vehicle on the market. It is ideal for use as a VIP shuttle and a luxurious comfort oasis for long journeys. The vehicle more than lives up to the promise of the 'EXCLUSIVE' label on the front mudguards. In addition to the sports suspension system, the 19-inch alloy wheels with a 16-spoke design give the V-Class EXCLUSIVE an exciting sporty character. Naturally, access to the interior is automatic – either via the EASY-PACK rear hatch or the two electric sliding doors. The interior reinterprets luxury on a completely new level. The brushed aluminum trim elements in the rear of the cockpit, the chrome vents, ambient lighting along with the carefully selected DINAMICA fabric for the roof lining truly do justice to the equipment line's exclusive name. The overhead highlight: the gigantic panorama sliding roof above the rear compartment takes the V-Class driving experience into a new dimension.

The same time, the V-Class EXCLUSIVE subtly maintains a comfortable climate for the passengers. The seat heating and ventilation with lumbar supports on all seats, thermal cup holders and the center console with a five-liter cooling compartment all serve to enhance the comfort. The excellent THERMOTRONIC air conditioning system complements the climate control ensemble. Digital highlights also abound in the vehicle: The Burmester® surround system always provides the right sound, the standard COMAND Online system with Mercedes me online services together with the 360° camera with the Parking package maximize driving comfort and impressively catapult the spacious sedan into the digital age. 230 V sockets and USB connections can also be used to charge an array of smart devices. The V-Class EXCLUSIVE truly embodies the Mercedes-Benz sense of style like no other vehicle in this category.

AMG sports cars have always been emotional, dynamic and, naturally, sporty. For the first time, an AMG Line is now available for Mercedes-Benz monovolume vehicles. The progressive and distinctive AMG Line is reflected by exterior features such as the sporty front and rear skirts with chrome loading sill protection, the AMG alloy wheels and the AMG break-away edge. The interior also bears the unmistakable AMG signature. Noble carbon-look trim elements and black roof lining create a cool overall appearance. Brushed aluminum sport pedals and silver-chrome vents give the AMG Line that typical sports car feeling.

On the road, the 17-inch brake system and the sports suspension system with rigid damping springs create a dynamic driving experience.

A broad array of equipment packages is available for the V-Class and the AVANTGARDE and EXCLUSIVE equipment lines to further customize the vehicle. The V-Class can be enhanced with the Interior design package and the Exterior design package. The Interior design package upgrades the interior, giving it a personalized and sporty flair. The package includes comfort seats with Lugano leather upholstery, a Nappa leather steering wheel and gear shift lever along with brushed aluminum sport pedals. The Exterior sport package emphasizes the dynamic character of the V-Class. The features include the sport suspension and the 17-inch brake system on the front axle along with brake calipers bearing Mercedes-Benz lettering.

A broad array of equipment packages is available for the V-Class and the AVANTGARDE and EXCLUSIVE equipment lines to further customize the vehicle. The V-Class can be enhanced with the Interior design package and the Exterior design package. The Interior design package upgrades the interior, giving it a personalized and sporty flair. The package includes comfort seats with Lugano leather upholstery, a Nappa leather steering wheel and gear shift lever along with brushed aluminum sport pedals. The Exterior sport package emphasizes the dynamic character of the V-Class. The features include the sport suspension and the 17-inch brake system on the front axle along with brake calipers bearing Mercedes-Benz lettering.

The V-Class AVANTGARDE can be enhanced with the AVANTGARDE Interior design package and the AVANTGARDE Exterior sport package. The AVANTGARDE Interior design package features comfort seats, a multifunction steering wheel along with diverse trim elements. The AVANTGARDE Exterior sport package expresses the vehicle’s sporty character both visually and through driving dynamics thanks to the 45.7 cm (18″) alloy wheels, sports suspension and strikingly dimensioned brake system. The Parking package with 360° camera and the Mirror package with dimming function are available for both the V-Class and the V-Class AVANTGARDE.

These packages are standard features for the V-Class EXCLUSIVE. Furthermore, Mercedes-Benz also offers equipment packages available for all three equipment lines. These include the Driving Assistance package with COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST, Blind Spot Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and PRE-SAFE technology or the less extensive Lane Tracking package with Blind Spot Assist and Lane Keeping Assist. These packages are complemented by the Parking package with reversing camera and the Table package for the rear.

Everything the heart desires. Optional extras for greater comfort, safety and variability tailor the V-Class to individual needs and tastes. Special highlights include the EASY-PACK rear hatch for the V-Class and the V-Class AVANTGARDE along with the panorama sliding roof for the long versions of the V-Class equipment lines. Furthermore, the rear compartment can be fitted with electric sliding doors and tinted glass. The extensive extras also include electrically adjustable driver and front passenger seats along with an auxiliary warm-water heater.

Special vehicles demand special extras. Using original accessories from Mercedes-Benz, the V-Class can be truly customized for every lifestyle. The towing hitch, rear bicycle carrier or high-gloss black roof box are ideal for everyone with a passion for sport or need to transport extra luggage. The iPad® integration in the rear compartment keeps passengers entertained on long journeys. In addition, the luggage compartment tray or the CLASSIC velour and all-weather mats protect the interior against dirt and scratches and equip the V-Class to handle tough day-to-day demands.

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