Привет всем владельцам Шевролет Малибу. Сегодня и я стал счастливым обладателем сего прекрасного авто. К покупке этого авто я шел очень долго. Еще в 2012 году когда его показали в Шанхае- в моей голове засела эта мысль- но по разным причинам не получалось его купить. Пока я ездил на крузе- я все мониторил, читал и изучал. Вообщем то машинка мне не чужая- я три года на Инсигнии ездил- но Малибу взял не своей платформой- а своим внешним видом — его боковой профиль аля Камаро и задние фонарии в той же манере — очень долго не давали мне спокойно жить. Думал все таки после круза возьму обновленную капу- полный привод и так далее- но этот седан из головы у меня не выходил- и как говорят все мысли материальны- и вот я его купил. В машинке нравиться все- нет таких мест которые бы раздражали или что то бы не нравилось. Дизайн на 5 +, салон и его материалы отличные- к ним претензий нет. все красиво и функционально. Что касается оснащения машины- тут самая полная LTZ версия- отличается от других LTZ представленных в России, Украине и Белоруссии- 1) дисплей бортового компьютера не монохром а цветной 2) Задние фонари уже светодиоды 3) камера заднего вида.На ходу машинка просто великолепна- отличная плавность хода сочетается с отличной управляемость- это у нас от родственницы Инсигнии . но по шумоизоляции Малибу переплюнул свое родительницу- на порядок лучше и тише. Но я думаю что на рейстовых Инсигниях шумка тоже уже не хуже. вообщем теперь осталось оформить и начнем ездить полноценно и вести Бортовой Журнал
Четыре года на сайте Описание написано 4 года назад
Chevrolet Malibu ning yangi avlodi ustida ishlagan dizaynerlar, modelning tashqi ko‘rinishiga ko‘proq agressivlik baxsh etishga intilgan. Yangi modeli avvalgi avlodlaridan farqli ravishda tashqi ko‘rinishining mutlaqo yangi shakliga ega. Bukiluvchan va egiluvchan chiziqlar borligi tufayli sedanning qiyofasi yanada ko‘proq jo‘shqinlikka ega bo‘lib, o‘ta yoqimli shakliga ega. Malibu ning oson tanib olish mumkin bo‘lgan firmaviy ikkitalik radiator panjarasi endilikda torroq shakldagi asosiy svetodiodli optika bilan jihozlangan. Kuzovning yon tomonlaridagi relefli bezaklari va orqa qismi ko‘p jihatdan Impala sedan modeliga o‘xshash, umuman olganda esa kuzovning ko‘pchilik elementlari afsonaviy Camaro modeliga o‘xshaydi, lekin bu faqat tashqi o‘xshashlikdir. Bunda kuzovning ayrim detallarini puxta ishlab chiqish hisobiga, a’lo aerodinamik ko‘rsatkichlarga erishishga muvaffaq bo‘ldik. O‘zbekiston bozorida avtomobil 4 xil rangda taklif qilinadi (oq marvarid, oq-kulrang, to‘q kulrang va qora ranglar).
Ichki ko‘rinishining dizaynida a’lo sifatli materiallar foydalanilgan, buning hisobiga endilikda salon avvalgi avlodlarning modellari ichki ko‘rinishiga nisbatan ancha savlatliroq ko‘rinadi. Markaziy konsoldagi tugmalarning qulay minimal to‘plami bo‘lib, sedan yangi asboblar paneliga va rul g‘ildiragiga ega bo‘ldi. Markaziy konsolning o‘rtasida MyLink modelidagi ko‘ngil ochish-axborot majmuasining diagonali 7.0 dyuym o‘lchamidagi Touch Screen ekrani joylashgan. Haydovchi yaxshilangan, orqa va yoni tutib turiladigan keng o‘rindiqda joylashadi. Rul g‘ildiragi oldinga ko‘proq chiqarilgan bo‘lib, uning orqasida analogli datchiklari bo‘lgan bort kompyuteri joylashadi. Orqadagni yo‘lovchilar ko‘shimcha 33 mm hajmiga ega bo‘lib, shovqindan izolyatsiya qilingan holda har tomonlama qulay yurishdan lazzatlanishi mumkin.
Xavfsizlikni ta’minlash jihatidan Malibu ning yangi avlodini xarid qilganlarning hafsalasi pir bo‘lmaydi. Uning butlanishida 8 ta xavfsizlik yostiqchalari bo‘lib, teleskopik rul kolonkasi bor, xavfsizlik tizimi shuningdek nishablarda avtomatik tormoz berish, avtomatik kruiz-nazorat, trekshn-nazorat (sirg‘alishga qarshi nazorat) hamda oldingi va orqa datchiklari bo‘lgan to‘xtatishni osonlashtiruvchi tizimi kabi funksiyalarni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Slindirlar miqdori va joylashuvi | qatorli, 4-silindrli, turbopurkagichli | 4 ta, Qatorida |
Ishchi hajm, sm3 | 1998 | 2490 |
Maksimal quvvat, o.k.(ayl/min) | 253 (5300) (ayl/min) | 186 (5300) (ayl/min) |
Maksimal buruvchi mament, Hm(min) | 353 (2000-5000) (ayl/min) | 249 (4400) (ayl/min) |
Privat turi | Old | Old |
Uzatmalar quttisi turi | 6 AUQ | 6 AUQ |
Old | Makferson tirgagi | Makferson tirgagi |
Orqa | 4 dastakli ilgak | 4 dastakli ilgak |
Old/Orqa siquvchi disk | Diskli/Diskli | Diskli/Diskli |
Uzunligi, mm | 4923 | 4923 |
Eni, mm | 1854 | 1854 |
Balandligi, mm | 1470 | 1470 |
G'ildirakli baza, mm | 2829 | 2829 |
Eng kichik aylanib olish radiusi, mm | 5,4 | 5,4 |
Yukxona ko'tarilgandagi hajm/Orqa o'rindiq yotqizilganda, L | 447 | 447 |
Ruxsat etilgan vazn, kg | 1495 | 1471 |
Maksimal ruxsat etilgan vazn, kg | 2100 | 2100 |
Maksimal tezlik, km/s | 250 | 220 |
Tezlik 0-100 km/s, sekundiga | 6,3 | 8,0 |
Shahar ichida, L | 11,8 | 11,1 |
Shahar tashqarisida, L | 8,5 | 8,1 |
Yoqilg'i turi | АИ - 95 | АИ - 91 |
Yoqilg'i bak hajmi, L | 60 | 60 |
LT A/T | кондиционер, люк электрический, автоматическая коробка передач, литой диск, антиблокировочная тормозная система, подушка безопасности со стороны водителя, отделка под дерево, дистанционное управление аудиосистемы руля, передние противотуманные фары, наружные боковые зеркала заднего вида с функцией обогрева и электрического управления, аудиосистема, дополнительные громкоговорители. |
With handsome sheetmetal and an aggressive front end, the Malibu isn't another dull sedan. It balances ride and handling better than many rivals, and its cabin is roomy. Most models offer a great infotainment system and lots of active-safety tech—lower trims don’t. A hybrid is available, too; in our test, we saw 35 mpg. While this Chevy offers everything most consumers want, it doesn’t feel as upscale or as nimble as the Honda Accord or the Mazda 6.
Major redesigns occur every five years or so; not much changes in between. Dividing them into generations provides more meaningful distinctions in the shopping process.
First Drive Review
August 2018 By Jeff Sabatini Photos By Chevrolet View 61 Photos
View 61 PhotosUsually the latest underhood hardware comes with great fanfare. When automakers develop new powertrain technologies or components, they tend to brag—and rightly so. This stuff costs a lot of money and takes a long time to develop. It’s not every year that a carmaker introduces an engine or a transmission, which is why the car companies’ marketers are usually left to crow about fascia redesigns or reshuffled trim levels.
For 2019, the Chevrolet Malibu actually offers all three: a bigger, restyled grille; a new RS model; and an all-new continuously variable automatic transmission. Known internally as VT40, it’s General Motors’ first CVT since 2005. That one, used primarily in Saturn brand vehicles, was problematic and had high failure rates, which led GM to offer an extended warranty. Since then, the only GM vehicle to use a CVT has been the Chevy Spark, and its transmission comes from an outside supplier. Maybe this helps explain why Chevrolet representatives had little to say about the new transmission, even as they handed us the keys to drive a Malibu RS fitted with one.
Every 2019 Malibu with the turbocharged 1.5-liter inline-four will get the VT40, which is being produced in GM’s facility in Ramos Arizpe, Mexico. The Malibu is the transmission’s first retail application, although it is also paired with a turbocharged 1.4-liter four in the Chevrolet Cruze for fleet customers only. The VT40 has a chain-drive design for front-wheel-drive vehicles; GM declined to specify its maximum torque capacity, but we can conclude from its initial appearances that it’s not going to find its way into anything too heavy or powerful. It has a relatively wide ratio spread of 7.0:1—for comparison, the six-speed’s ratio is 6.1:1, and the nine-speed automatic in top-spec Malibus has a ratio of 7.6:1. GM said the new CVT should improve fuel economy in the 1.5-liter Malibu by about 5 percent compared with the former six-speed gearbox. While 2019 Malibu EPA numbers are not yet finalized, the Cruze’s are. The 2019 Cruze CVT model is rated at 30 mpg city, 38 mpg highway, and 33 mpg combined, while the version with the six-speed automatic has 28 mpg city, 38 highway, and 32 combined. Those numbers suggest that a modest gain in city fuel economy is due for the Malibu with the CVT, too.
Out in the real world, most drivers will find it difficult to tell a VT40-equipped Malibu from one with a conventional automatic. A simulated shift program with seven ratios does a good impression of a step-gear transmission, which is about all you can ask of a CVT from behind the wheel. During full-throttle acceleration, the transmission changes the ratio without fail when the engine speed hits 5500 rpm, and the revs drop in a familiar and reassuring way. Each of the seven steps can also be selected manually with the button on top of the gearshift lever, and the transmission holds that ratio until the driver chooses another one, just as it should. There are some conventional automatics that could take behavior lessons from GM’s CVT.
The VT40 does on occasion cause the Malibu’s engine to drone, especially during lighter acceleration. It is still a CVT, after all. More frustrating is that the car’s throttle response is as soft as a throw pillow, and the accelerator has an initial dead spot that discourages spirited driving. This calibration may save more fuel for some Malibu drivers than the transmission does. If you want a Malibu that’s more fun to drive, you should be buying the turbocharged 2.0-liter model that comes with a nine-speed automatic anyway.
Chevrolet has the 2019 RS priced at $24,995, undercutting by $1680 the 2018 price of its most obvious bogey, the Honda Accord Sport, which also packs a turbo 1.5-liter four and a CVT. Taking on the Accord Sport, which may well be the best bang for the buck on four wheels, is a fool’s errand, so it’s not surprising that Chevy didn’t try too hard with the RS. Its dark chrome trim, 18-inch wheels, and black bow tie look menacing, but that’s all for show, with no mechanical upgrades over the stock Malibu. The Accord Sport, on the other hand, gets 19-inch wheels, a sport suspension tuning with upgraded brakes, and a manual-transmission option. Accords have 29 horsepower more than the 163-hp Malibu, too, with more stylish and upscale cabins.
So while that shiny new RS badge may hint at something more, the 2019 Malibu is still a soft, smooth-riding family car, just like last year. The new CVT fits its character perfectly.
Photos Build and Price Shop Local Cars View All Features and SpecsSpecifications:
2019 Chevrolet Malibu RS
VEHICLE TYPE: front-engine, front-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door sedan
BASE PRICE: $24,995
ENGINE TYPE: turbocharged and intercooled DOHC 16-valve inline-4, aluminum block and head, direct fuel injection
Displacement: 91 cu in, 1490 ccPower: 163 hp @ 5700 rpmTorque: 184 lb-ft @ 2500 rpm
TRANSMISSION: continuously variable automatic with manual shifting mode
DIMENSIONS:Wheelbase: 111.4 inLength: 193.8 inWidth: 73.0 in Height: 57.6 inPassenger volume: 108 cu ftTrunk volume: 16 cu ftCurb weight (C/D est): 3150 lb
PERFORMANCE (C/D EST):Zero to 60 mph: 8.3 secZero to 100 mph: 25.3 secStanding ¼-mile: 16.4 sec
Top speed: 130 mph
EPA FUEL ECONOMY (C/D EST):Combined/city/highway: 32/29/36 mpg
Chevy's mid-size sedan simultaneously gets sportier and less sporty.The Chevrolet Malibu is a popular mid-size sedan, although the name has applied to many other cars before the current model.
Chevy has used the Malibu name for some awe-inspiring land yachts since the 1960s. The modern interpretation is a mid-size stalwart with a decidedly less thirsty approach to fuel consumption—thanks, turbochargers—and touchscreens.
It competes in the savage race for mid-size money with the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, and Hyundai Sonata—just to name a few.
MORE: Read our 2019 Chevrolet Malibu review
For 2019, Chevy swapped in a new transmission for the Malibu's base engine, added an RS trim level, and revised its styling.
The new Chevy Malibu
Chevrolet introduced a new Malibu for the 2016 model year. It wears much more dramatic styling and sits atop a wheelbase that's been stretched by 4 inches compared to the current model, which itself was shorter than its predecessor, something customers apparently didn't appreciate.
Standard models have a choice of turbo-4s, with a 1.5-liter for base models and a 2.0-liter available as an option. The 1.5-liter earns a 37-mpg combined rating. Despite the size increase, Chevy claims a weight loss of about 300 pounds on comparable models.
There's also a new Malibu Hybrid, this time with a system that goes beyond the mild-hybrid setups offered in years past. The new system is essentially based on the battery and motor set from the 2016 Chevrolet Volt. The EPA pegs fuel economy at 47 mpg city, 46 highway, 46 combined for its most efficient Malibu, which beats the ratings of the rest of the mid-size hybrids.
In its latest form, the Malibu was a finalist for the 2016 North American Car of the Year. It's handsome inside and out, and while it isn't a scorching performer, it’s nimble, confident, and responsive in all of its variants. The cabin is spacious and serene—and far more passenger-friendly than the previous model. And with a host of new features, including everything from blind-spot monitors to Apple CarPlay, the new Malibu offers a lot of value for the money.
For 2017, Chevrolet swapped in a 9-speed automatic for its top 2.0-liter turbo-4 engine, but base models make do with a 6-speed. A Teen Driver feature was added to notify parents of over-eager children—or perhaps valet drivers.
The Malibu's 6-speed automatic in base models went away in the 2019 model year, replaced by a continuously variable transmisison. A Malibu RS donned a more sporty look but received no mechanical changes.
Chevrolet Malibu history
Chevy has sold a vehicle named Malibu since the 1960s, but it's evolved over time as tastes changed, from the V-8 and rear-drive Malibus of the 1960s and 1970s gave way to the downsized cars of the 1990s.
In 1997, the first modern Malibu was introduced. A replacement for the Chevy Corsica sedan, this Malibu was a smaller sedan than the most recent vehicle to wear the badge. It also was engineered around a front-wheel-drive architecture.
The 1997 Malibu was, by all measures, a bland car. Powered by an economical 150-hp, 2.4-liter 4-cylinder engine (a version of GM's much-maligned Quad Four) or 155-hp (later 170-hp), 3.1-liter V-6 (it felt much stronger, actually), the Malibu was only offered with a cushy suspension and 4-speed automatic—and its interior, though it had the comfort basics covered, was drab and dull. Chevy dropped the 4-cylinder engine completely in 2000.
The Malibu got a much-deserved full redesign for 2004. Built on a new global platform, the 2004-2008 Malibu was a bit more refined, handled better, and had a far nicer interior, though it still felt too plasticky on the cheaper trims. The Malibu was a half-step smaller than mid-size entries like the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord, yet its interior was surprisingly roomy and comfortable. Its powertrain lineup consisted of a nice, fuel-efficient 144-horsepower Ecotec 4-cylinder (with a manual gearbox possible), or a V-6 option. That 201-hp, 3.5-liter V-6 was a little disappointing, saved only by its prodigious torque. A 4-speed automatic was the only transmission, and the combination just didn't feel very refined.
Within this generation only, Chevy offered a hatchback version of the Malibu. It carried the odd name of Malibu Maxx and featured a longer roof and not-quite-wagon shape. While it wasn't terribly sporty, it was originally offered only with the larger engine, a 3.6-liter V-6. Chevy also added an SS variant of the Maxx later in its lifecycle, featuring a 3.9-liter, 240-hp V-6 that was pretty thirsty and not terribly thrilling.
The Malibu boredom was remedied for 2008, when GM completely redesigned the model, making it much longer to better match mid-size rivals. GM also gave it an interior and backseat space that outclassed many sedans its size. The interior wore vastly upgraded materials, and a design that was a clear step better than the layout of the former rental-car favorite. Powertrains included a 169-hp, 2.4-liter version of the Ecotec 4-cylinder engine and a 252-hp, DOHC 3.6-liter V-6, a version of the engine previously used in the Cadillac CTS and SRX, among others.
For a short time, a mild-hybrid version of the 2009 Malibu was offered; it offered very slightly improved fuel economy over the 4-cylinder versions and it failed to catch on. It was discontinued after a very short production run.
Chevy Malibu, 2013-2015
The Malibu that's on the way out after 2015 was just introduced for 2013. That car made a bit of an about-face, to focus more on efficiency in packaging, and in fuel efficiency. Chevy chose to make it smaller than its predecessor—it was about 4.5 inches shorter in wheelbase than its predecessor—in order to make room for a new Impala that was launched for the 2014 model year.
Though smaller on the inside, the Malibu boasted advanced safety tech and new infotainment features that are big improvements over the car it replaced.
A new trio of drivetrains was launched with the latest Malibu, making it a 4-cylinder-only car, like the Hyundai Sonata and Ford Fusion. In 2013, the base engine was a 197-hp, 2.5-liter inline-4, but the first model to launch was the 2013 Chevrolet Malibu Eco. That high-MPG model teamed a 2.4-liter inline-4 with a 6-speed automatic and eAssist technology that uses an electric motor and a small lithium-ion battery pack to provide engine stop-start and electric assist for the gasoline engine. Active aero shutters and regenerative braking added up to better fuel economy of 37 mpg highway. At the top of the lineup was a turbocharged 4-cylinder with 259 hp, good for a 0-60-mph time of 6.3 seconds, according to Chevy, and a higher grade of trim, including standard 18-inch wheels.
Eight airbags, including knee airbags, were standard on this Malibu, and rear side airbags were an option. Bluetooth and a rearview camera were available, as were a forward collision alert system, and a lane-departure warning system. The Malibu offered navigation and smartphone connectivity that allowed streaming of Bluetooth audio and feeds from Stitcher and Facebook.
GM attempted to address several shortcomings of the relatively new Malibu for the 2014 model year. The car was given a mild exterior refresh, with a new grille, headlights, and taillights. Inside, the rear seat was reshaped to increase room for adults. The suspension was also retuned with the goal of supplying better ride control.
For 2015, Chevy further refined the Malibu's powertrain options. The Eco model was no longer offered, while the turbocharged 2.0-liter was reprogrammed to produce more torque. With the figure rising to 295 lb-ft, the Malibu was capable of a 0-60 time of about six seconds. The Malibu also offered a high-speed data connection through AT&T's 4G LTE network, which also allowed owners to set up an in-car wi-fi network for mobile devices.
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