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Volvo xc60 2018

Nuevo Volvo XC60


    Diseño exterior con auténtica fortaleza de carácter

    El nuevo Volvo XC60 en un espacio abierto El XC60, como todo buen producto del diseño escandinavo, proyecta una discreta confianza, con un exterior definido por líneas depuradas y proporciones dinámicas. Sus grandes ruedas y sus pronunciados arcos de rueda expresan un estilo atlético, mientras que los raíles integrados del techo y las sólidas molduras laterales destacan su carácter de SUV preparado para todo. El Volvo XC60 bajando una cuesta Primer plano de un faro LED del Volvo XC60 El XC60 está equipado con faros LED que refuerzan su identidad y ofrecen una excelente visión de noche. Hay dos tipos disponibles: La iluminación LED cambia entre las luces de cruce y las de carretera para ofrecerte la mejor visibilidad a la vez que evita deslumbrar a otros usuarios de la vía. La tecnología de iluminación Active High Beam mantiene las luces largas encendidas, pero enmascara la sección que podría deslumbrar al tráfico que circula en sentido contrario, ofreciéndote una iluminación de carretera óptima. La iluminación Active High Beam también incluye faros activos en curvas que giran en la misma dirección que el volante para ofrecerte una mejor visión en las curvas.

    Un chasis sofisticado que aporta confianza y control en cada viaje

    Parte trasera de un Volvo XC60 en un cruce de una calle El chasis del XC60 ofrece un confort y un control excepcionales. La sofisticada suspensión delantera de doble horquilla y la suspensión trasera de articulación integral utilizan materiales ligeros y resistentes que ayudan a conseguir un manejo ágil y una dirección con alta capacidad de respuesta. Volvo XC60 parte trasera Volvo XC60 con suspensión en una calle La suspensión neumática opcional aporta al XC60 una capacidad aún mayor, ya que mantiene la altura de conducción constante y te ofrece una conducción más suave y controlada al superar baches o tomar curvas. Las respuestas de la suspensión se ajustan constantemente durante la conducción en función del modo elegido y de la velocidad. En los modos de conducción Comfort o Eco, la carrocería desciende 10-20 mm cuando se conduce a altas velocidades para reducir el consumo de combustible. En el modo Dynamic, la carrocería desciende 20 mm para que la conducción sea incluso más deportiva. El XC60 incluye una serie de modos de conducción que te permiten adaptar la conducción a tus necesidades. Puedes elegir entre tres ajustes predeterminados para el motor, la caja de cambios automática, la dirección, los frenos, el sistema de control de estabilidad y la función Stop/Start del motor. También puedes crear tu propia combinación con el modo Individual. Para cambiar entre los distintos ajustes de conducción —que se muestran en la pantalla central de 9 pulgadas— solo tienes que utilizar la rueda que se encuentra entre los asientos delanteros. Consola central y modos de conducción en Volvo XC60

    Descubre un habitáculo versátil y espacioso, diseñado para facilitarte la vida

    Espacio interior de un Volvo XC60 El XC60 tiene la versatilidad y el espacio necesarios para ayudarte a buscar nuevas aventuras. Sus asientos cuidadosamente diseñados amplían el espacio para las piernas en los asientos traseros, mientras que el compartimento de carga tiene una forma perfecta, con un volumen de 505 litros hasta la parte superior de los respaldos y de 1444 litros con los respaldos de los asientos traseros abatidos (468 litros y 1395 litros con el motor T8 Twin Engine). El plegado eléctrico de los respaldos está disponible como opción.

    Conoce los accesorios que aumentan la versatilidad

    Vista espacio interior del habitáculo del Volvo XC60 Vista lateral del portón trasero del Volvo XC60 El portón trasero con regulación eléctrica facilita la carga y descarga de objetos en el XC60. Te permite abrir o cerrar el portón trasero con tan solo pulsar un botón del mando a distancia del vehículo, del propio portón trasero o del salpicadero. Cuando se combina con la opción de entrada sin llave también ofrece una función de manos libres con la que podrás abrir y cerrar el portón trasero con tan solo mover el pie por debajo del paragolpes trasero.

    Un lugar donde el diseño escandinavo converge con el lujo sueco moderno

    Vista cabina frontal Volvo XC60 El interior del XC60 es puro estilo escandinavo: una combinación perfecta de forma y función. El diseño despejado crea un espacio de tranquilidad e inspiración que te permite disfrutar de la conducción con seguridad y sin distracciones, disfrutando en cada momento del exclusivo lujo sueco que te rodea. Vista interior parte delantera Volvo XC60 Detalle de la tapicería e inserciones del nuevo Volvo XC60 El diseño minimalista y cuidado del interior del XC60 atrae la atención hacia sus bonitos detalles, como la elegante pantalla táctil central y los exclusivos difusores de aire con controles estilizados y de acabado metálico. El acabado en forma de diamante de los mandos de control de los difusores de aire, el botón de arranque, el controlador del modo de conducción y los mandos del volante deleitan los sentidos, mientras que los materiales cuidadosamente seleccionados constituyen otro ejemplo de un interior que se caracteriza por una auténtica artesanía contemporánea. El acabado Inscription incluye inserciones en Driftwood, un exclusivo tratamiento de la madera que resulta muy agradable a la vista y al tacto y que hace referencia a la tradición sueca de Volvo Cars.
    Visita la versión Inscription
    El techo panorámico disponible para el XC60 inunda el habitáculo de luz. Es lo suficientemente largo para que tanto los ocupantes de los asientos delanteros como los de los traseros puedan disfrutar de la vista del cielo, y está fabricado con un cristal tintado especial que reduce la transmisión del calor y de la radiación UV. Una cortinilla solar de accionamiento eléctrico hace que resulte muy fácil tapar la luz fuerte cuando sea necesario, mientras que la sección delantera del techo se puede inclinar o abrir para aumentar la ventilación en el interior. El techo se puede cerrar con el botón de cierre del mando a distancia o, en los vehículos con entrada sin llave, mediante el botón del tirador de la puerta. Vista desde los asientos traseros a la parte delantera de un Volvo XC60

    Tecnología avanzada con un toque humano y natural

    Detalle de la consola central táctil del nuevo Volvo XC60 La pantalla táctil central es el núcleo desde el que te relacionarás con tu XC60. Combina un diseño elegante con una facilidad de uso que reduce las distracciones, con gráficos claros y atractivos y el menor número posible de botones. Su formato vertical hace que leer información y mapas resulte especialmente fácil. Además, la pantalla de 9 pulgadas es tan sensible que puedes utilizarla incluso con guantes. Detalle de la consola central con Apple Car Play en el nuevo Volvo XC60 volante, mandos control en el volante, nuevo Volvo XC60 Creemos que la tecnología es más útil cuando es fácil de utilizar y ese es el motivo por el que interactuar con el XC60 es algo tan natural. La pantalla digital del conductor te coloca la información más importante justo delante y su brillo se ajusta al entorno para que siempre la puedas leer fácilmente.

    La función avanzada de control por voz te permite utilizar el climatizador, el sistema de navegación, el sistema de reproducción multimedia y el teléfono con un lenguaje natural, sin necesidad de memorizar instrucciones ni comandos concretos.


    Más potencia, menos emisiones. Descubre el motor híbrido enchufable T8 Twin Engine del XC60

    El nuevo Volvo XC60 conducido por una carretera El motor T8 Twin Engine del Volvo XC60 es un híbrido enchufable que ofrece un rendimiento sin igual. La combinación de un motor de gasolina de cuatro cilindros para el accionamiento de las ruedas delanteras con un motor eléctrico que se encarga del accionamiento de las ruedas traseras ofrece un rendimiento a la altura del de muchos vehículos deportivos. El resultado es una aceleración potente y suave desde la posición de parado. Y, en caso necesario, la tracción a las cuatro ruedas a demanda garantiza que la potencia se transfiera de la manera más eficaz posible a la carretera. Volvo XC60 T8 Twin Engine conducida en una carretera campestre Volvo XC60 conducido en diferentes modos de conducción La variedad de modos de conducción te permite adaptar el motor T8 Twin Engine del XC60 a tus necesidades. El modo Pure proporciona suficiente potencia exclusivamente eléctrica para realizar los desplazamientos normales de ida y vuelta al trabajo. Significa que conducirás produciendo cero emisiones y con el lujo de hacerlo en un entorno prácticamente silencioso. En el modo Power, el motor de gasolina con turbocompresor y supercompresor y el potente motor eléctrico unen sus fuerzas para ofrecerte una respuesta inmediata cuando aceleres. El modo Hybrid predeterminado elige entre el motor de gasolina, el motor eléctrico o una combinación de ambos para que puedas conducir con la mayor suavidad y eficiencia posible. El XC60 se diseñó desde el primer momento para utilizar un motor híbrido enchufable, por lo que las baterías y el motor eléctrico del T8 Twin Engine no suponen ningún sacrificio en cuanto a espacio, versatilidad o distribución del peso. Se puede enchufar a una toma eléctrica normal y las baterías se recargan automáticamente cuando desaceleras durante la conducción. El potente motor de gasolina significa que no tendrás que detenerte en caso de que no puedas recargarlo. Volvo XC60 T8 Twin Engine recargando batería en un lugar cubierto

    Tecnología útil que te ofrece conexión y entretenimiento

    Vista de los asientos delanteros vistos desde la parte trasera Sabemos que quieres escuchar tu música favorita, mantener el contacto y no perderlo cuando viajas. El XC60 hace que todo esto sea posible, y mucho más, gracias a su sofisticado equipo de sonido, a sus avanzadas funciones de conectividad y a la variedad de aplicaciones disponibles que podrás utilizar para informarte o entretenerte. Además, como todas las innovaciones de Volvo Cars se diseñan pensando en las personas, no podría ser más fácil de utilizar. Vista de la parte frontal de un Volvo XC60 Altavoces Bowers & Wilkins montados en las puertas de un Volvo XC60 Tu música forma parte de las experiencias que vivirás en el XC60. La aplicación integrada Spotify significa que no tendrás que conectar tu teléfono para poder utilizarla. La compatibilidad con Apple CarPlay te permite vincular un iPhone de Apple, aunque también podrás utilizar Android Auto. Con el paquete Sensus Connect podrás acceder a otras muchas aplicaciones adicionales, de modo que podrás disfrutar de la radio por Internet o de un audiolibro en tu XC60.

    El equipo de sonido Premium de Harman Kardon ofrece un sonido potente y preciso, mientras que con el equipo de gama alta Bowers & Wilkins podrás disfrutar de una claridad y una potencia excepcionales.


    Funciones de ayuda al conductor que reducen la tensión

    Vista aérea de un Volvo XC60 acercándose a un puente El XC60 puede equiparse con una cámara de 360° que facilita el aparcamiento al mostrar una vista de pájaro del vehículo y su entorno inmediato en la gran pantalla central. Resulta especialmente útil para maniobrar en espacios reducidos y te puede ayudar a evitar costosos raspones al aparcar el vehículo. Vista aérea de un Volvo XC60 acercándose a un puente Auto Pilot conducción semiautónoma Volvo XC60 El sistema Pilot Assist hace que conducir con tráfico denso resulte menos cansado. Esta tecnología de conducción semiautónoma mantiene la velocidad y la distancia establecidas respecto al vehículo que circula delante, y utiliza los movimientos del volante para mantenerte centrado en tu carril. El sistema Pilot Assist funciona a velocidades de hasta 130 km/h y reduce el esfuerzo necesario cuando se conduce en autopistas con mucho tráfico.

    En la UE y en EE. UU., el sistema Pilot Assist utiliza los datos del sistema de navegación –una función de «horizonte electrónico»– y puede leer la ruta planificada para tu viaje, de modo que dispone de más información sobre el radio de las curvas o sobre la pendiente de la carretera.

    El sistema de Asistencia de aparcamiento te ayuda a aparcar a la perfección en todo momento. Utiliza sensores para calcular el espacio de las plazas disponibles cuando pasas por ellas y, en caso de que una sea lo suficientemente grande, te avisa. Puede aparcar el vehículo en paralelo si el espacio tiene una longitud 1,2 veces superior a la del vehículo y también puede aparcar en batería. Lo único que tienes que hacer es seguir las indicaciones que se muestran en pantalla utilizando las marchas y los frenos mientras el vehículo maniobra por sí solo para aparcar en la plaza.

    Nota importante: el conductor es responsable del control del vehículo en todo momento.

    Asistente de aparcamiento Volvo XC60

    Tecnología que te ayuda a proteger a tu familia y a conducir con mayor seguridad

    Piloto al volante de un Volvo XC60 Proteger a las personas es el principio fundamental de todos los vehículos Volvo y las funciones que hacen que el XC60 sea un lugar seguro para ti y para tus acompañantes son el resultado de décadas de liderazgo en seguridad. El acero al boro ultrarresistente —uno de los tipos de acero más resistentes que existen— forma una rígida celda de seguridad alrededor del vehículo, mientras que las zonas delantera y trasera deformables disipan la energía en caso de colisión. Vista interior Volvo XC60 pasajero City Safety innovación tecnología Volvo XC60 City Safety es una innovación de Volvo Cars que detecta posibles peligros y te ayuda a evitarlos. Mediante la tecnología de radares y cámaras, puede detectar otros vehículos, ciclistas, peatones o animales grandes, tanto de día como de noche. Si detecta que puede producirse una colisión inminente, te avisa, pero si no reaccionas a tiempo, el sistema City Safety puede frenar automáticamente para ayudarte a evitar o mitigar la colisión. En el XC60, el sistema City Safety incluye una función de asistencia a la dirección que te ayuda a evitar peligros de la forma más eficaz y segura posible.  El sistema de Atenuación de salidas de la calzada es una función de seguridad de serie en el XC60 que reduce las probabilidades de que el vehículo se salga de la calzada accidentalmente. Esta innovación de Volvo Cars detecta si el vehículo está a punto de salirse de la calzada accidentalmente, a velocidades comprendidas entre los 65 y los 140 km/h, y utiliza la dirección y —si es necesario— los frenos para devolver el vehículo al buen camino. Si el vehículo se sale inevitablemente de la calzada, el sistema de Protección en caso de salida de la calzada reduce el riesgo de sufrir lesiones graves. Incluye una función de absorción de la energía en los bastidores de los asientos delanteros que amortigua los impactos verticales en caso de caídas bruscas del vehículo y, además, cinturones de seguridad opcionales que se tensan eléctricamente.

    Nota importante: el conductor es responsable del control del vehículo en todo momento.

    Volvo XC60 permanencia en el carril seguridad

    Configura el XC60 perfecto para tu vida mediante una amplia selección de prácticos y bonitos accesorios

    Accesorio cofre de techo Volvo XC60 Aumenta la versatilidad inherente del XC60 con prácticos accesorios de alta calidad, como las alfombrillas para el espacio de carga que te ayudan a mantener el interior de tu vehículo como nuevo, un resistente pero ligero portabicicletas y un cofre de techo de bonito diseño que amplía el espacio de carga con estilo.

    Descubre los accesorios del Volvo XC60

    Accesorios cofre de techo Volvo XC60 Detales de diseño exterior parte exterior Volvo XC60 Con nuestra gama de elegantes accesorios podrás dar al XC60 tu propio estilo. Todos ellos han sido creados por nuestros diseñadores para complementar el aspecto atlético del XC60. El kit de estilo exterior incluye protectores de bajos delanteros y traseros en acero inoxidable, y tubos de escape dobles divididos e integrados a la perfección en la parte trasera. Las extensiones de los arcos de rueda en el color de la carrocería dan al XC60 un aspecto mucho más decidido y están disponibles como accesorios.

2018 Volvo XC60 - For every turn, there's cars.com.

Like its bigger brother — the seven-seat Volvo XC90 that we named our Best of 2016 — the five-seat 2018 Volvo XC60 is a whole new SUV compared with its predecessor. Compare the 2018 to the 2017 XC60 here. 

It's amazing how much is shared between the XC60 and XC90: engines, a lot of the chassis, much of the interior and most features. The XC60 feels like a mini-XC90, and that's a good thing considering how gushy we get when we talk about the Best of 2016 winner we owned for a year. The kicker is that I think the Volvo XC60 is the better buy if you don't need the third-row seat.

I drove multiple versions of the new XC60 at a preview event in Denver (per our ethics policy, Cars.com pays for its own airfare and lodging). This review covers the regular and plug-in-hybrid versions.

How It Drives

The Volvo XC60 comes in three flavors: the T5 (250-horsepower, turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder), the T6 (316 hp from a supercharged and turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder) and T8 plug-in hybrid (313-hp, supercharged and turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder paired with an electric motor and battery pack to boost total output to 400 hp). All powertrain options require premium 91-octane-or-above gasoline for optimal performance, according to the XC60's owner's manual, which is the norm for luxury SUVs. 

These are the same engines as in the XC90, but the XC60 is around 300 pounds lighter, so the T6 and T8 versions I drove were more responsi... Show full review

Like its bigger brother — the seven-seat Volvo XC90 that we named our Best of 2016 — the five-seat 2018 Volvo XC60 is a whole new SUV compared with its predecessor. Compare the 2018 to the 2017 XC60 here. 

It's amazing how much is shared between the XC60 and XC90: engines, a lot of the chassis, much of the interior and most features. The XC60 feels like a mini-XC90, and that's a good thing considering how gushy we get when we talk about the Best of 2016 winner we owned for a year. The kicker is that I think the Volvo XC60 is the better buy if you don't need the third-row seat.

I drove multiple versions of the new XC60 at a preview event in Denver (per our ethics policy, Cars.com pays for its own airfare and lodging). This review covers the regular and plug-in-hybrid versions.

How It Drives

The Volvo XC60 comes in three flavors: the T5 (250-horsepower, turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder), the T6 (316 hp from a supercharged and turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder) and T8 plug-in hybrid (313-hp, supercharged and turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder paired with an electric motor and battery pack to boost total output to 400 hp). All powertrain options require premium 91-octane-or-above gasoline for optimal performance, according to the XC60's owner's manual, which is the norm for luxury SUVs. 

These are the same engines as in the XC90, but the XC60 is around 300 pounds lighter, so the T6 and T8 versions I drove were more responsive and punchier than the XC90. The XC60 accelerates to 60 mph quicker than the XC90 in every version, and not by a small measure: Volvo says the XC60 T5, T6 and T8 hit 60 mph in 6.4, 5.6 and 4.9 seconds, respectively, while the XC90's versions of the same do it in 7.5, 6.1 and 5.3 seconds, respectively.

I didn't observe a huge difference in passing power between the XC60's 316-hp T6 and 400-hp T8, but from a stop and at lower speeds, the T8 provides instant acceleration and greater punch. Even though the T8 has a combined 84 more horsepower than the T6, its hybrid innards add more than 500 pounds of curb weight, lifting it to 4,599 pounds versus the T6's 4,045 pounds.

What the plug-in hybrid gets you is an EPA-estimated 17 miles of electric operation on a full charge, followed by combined gas mileage of 26 mpg; both of those numbers are slightly lower than the 2018 XC90 T8. The XC60 T8's mileage rating also isn't dramatically better than the non-hybrids'. The T5 gets an estimated 22/28/24 mpg city/highway/combined, and the T6 is rated 21/27/23 mpg; that's similar to other four-cylinders in the class but with a little more punch from the meatier 2.0-liter. If you're on the fence, the T8 plug-in hybrid's available maximum $5,002 federal tax credit might help seal the deal.  

The Volvo XC60's ride quality, with its optional air suspension and adjustable firmness, recalls the XC90: firm but not uncomfortable. (Volvo didn't provide any standard-suspension SUVs for us to drive.) The Volvo XC60 is a touch sportier than the XC90, with firmer steering and tighter handling that lets it manage mountain roads without feeling out of place, but it doesn't attack corners like a Porsche Macan S, BMW X4 M40i or Audi SQ5. Drivability isn't the XC60's greatest strength, but it will be perfectly respectable to most.

Top-Notch Interior

The Volvo XC60's greatest strength is its warm, stylish interior, with enough high-quality materials to challenge the best interiors in the class, including the Audi Q5 and pricier Porsche Macan. The Volvo's optional soft Nappa leather seats, genuine wood trim and all the sunlight streaming in through the standard panoramic moonroof create an airy, pleasant space in which to drive. Leather seating is standard, unlike competitors such asthe Mercedes GLC-Class and Lexus NX, which have leatherette (imitation leather) standard. Compare the XC60 with its competitors here. The interior mostly looks like an Volvo XC90 but with a new accent panel that runs across the dashboard from door to door and can be appointed with real wood. The wood, with grain you can feel, is accented by a matte aluminum-esque border; both add new dimensions to an otherwise familiar interior.

The backseat is more comfortable than the outgoing Volvo XC60's, with increased legroom and a supportive seating position. Under the outboard cushions is a little cavelike storage space for phones, tablets or other pocket items. It's unique to the XC60, though I'm not convinced of its usefulness. Is it where your devices are supposed to go when their batteries die? Because, as with the Volvo XC90, there are no USB ports in the backseat for device charging; there's just a single 12-volt cigarette-lighter-style outlet. To be fair, they're not a widely available feature in the class, but rear USB ports aren't uncommon in non-luxury compact SUVs like a Mazda CX-5. (And if you like luxury cars, the CX-5 is worth a look.)

Cargo Room

The Volvo XC60 has a decidedly smaller footprint than the XC90. It's 10.3 inches shorter nose to tail, 4.2 inches narrower and 4.6 inches shorter in height. Total cargo volume is lower, too, but perhaps not as much as you'd expect: A maximum of 63.3 cubic feet with the rear seats folded is still plenty for the XC60, while the XC90 has 85.7 cubic feet. Perhaps this will help you visualize the cargo room a little easier: Volvo says it's 80.3 inches from the back of the front seats to the liftgate in the Volvo XC90 and 68.7 inches in the XC60. The XC60's cargo area is flat, wide and comes with a standard power liftgate. Plus, the available air suspension has a position that lowers the rear for easier cargo loading, just like the XC90.   


Also like the XC90, the XC60's technology game is strong; its optional semi-autonomous Pilot Assist II is a must-have feature for commuting in stop-and-go traffic. The system keeps the XC60 centered in its lane more firmly than the original Pilot Assist in our XC90 (the system has since been upgraded in the 2017 XC90), and there's greater resistance in the steering wheel, giving it more of an autonomous feeling. Pilot Assist II still requires hands on the wheel, but as before, the car brakes, accelerates and provides steering assistance on gently curving roads to relieve the tensions of heavy commuting.

Volvo's huge, vertically oriented touchscreen is also a carryover from the XC90. It works similarly here, which means it requires a thorough dive into the owner's manual to learn its capabilities, plus a lot of time fumbling around looking for icons before you become familiar with switching between audio sources or activating or adjusting the car's many tech features; it's not something you instantly understand and use. Still, the screen has a big cool factor and the resolution is top-notch; once you're familiarized, it's an impressive and responsive system.


The Volvo XC60 had not been crash-tested at the time of publication. Standard safety features are impressive, including forward collision warning with automatic emergency braking that recognizes cyclists, pedestrians and large animals. There's also a lane-departure-prevention system, rear collision warning and a backup camera. Optional equipment includes blind spot warning,  rear cross-traffic alert and 360-degree cameras. Top-down 360-degree cameras aren't uncommon, but the XC60's is one of the best, with high resolution and a large screen.

Worth the Money?

The XC60's starting price of $42,495 for a T5 is a bargain. It comes with that sweet interior, all-wheel drive, a panoramic moonroof and the aforementioned standard safety features. I mostly drove the high-end Inscription trim level of the T6, which starts at $49,695 and adds navigation, a digital-display instrument panel, four-zone climate control and more. The ones I tested with Pilot Assist, Nappa leather, a rocking Bowers & Wilkins stereo, a head-up display, blind spot monitoring and much more tallied up to around $60,000. 

The XC60 can command $60,000 and still feel reasonable considering its styling, quality and the technology inside. It isn't any less luxurious than an XC90, just smaller and less expensive. If you don't need a third row, the XC60 is the way to go.

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2018 Volvo XC60 Review, Ratings, Specs, Prices, and Photos

The Volvo XC60 comes in three trim levels, each of which can be paired with one of its three drivetrains.

Thanks to generous standard equipment, good options and infotainment, we give the XC60 an 8 out of 10 here. (Read more about how we rate cars.)

Even base Momentum versions of the XC60 come with a well-populated list of features. For $42,495, the XC60 T5 Momentum offers standard power features, power front seats, leather, LED headlights, keyless ignition, 18-inch wheels, three drive modes, a 9.0-inch infotainment interface, 10-speaker audio, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, 4G LTE connectivity, Bluetooth with audio streaming, a power tailgate, and a rearview camera.

The XC60 T5 R-Design carries a base price of  $45,795 when equipped with the turbo-4. Above the Momentum gear, it gains sport seats,  a black mesh grille, a hands-free tailgate, a 12.3-inch digital display that replaces the standard gauges, 19-inch wheels, navigation, and paddle shift controls (it’s the only model to get them).

On the $46,295 XC60 T5 Inscription, Volvo adds a stitched dash,  driftwood trim, 19-inch wheels, navigation, and four-zone climate control.

The Momentum T6 turbo- and supercharged-6 beings at $45,895; it’s $49,915 for the T6 R-Design and $49,695 for the T6 Inscription. The XC60 T8 plug-in hybrid begins at $53,895 in Momentum trim; it’s $57,195 for the R-Design package, and $57,695 for the Inscription gear.

Volvo bundles other features into four trim packages. A safety setup adds Pilot Assist, surround-view cameras, parking sensors, a head-up display, front and rear heated seats, and ventilated seats. Other options include a 15-speaker, 1,100-watt Bowers & Wilkins sound system, the air suspension, 19- and 20-inch wheels, and metallic paint. Twenty-one-inch summer tires can be fitted to the R-Design.

Volvo’s Sensus infotainment system gets a colorful revision, with new home-screen tiles. Some of its icons have been relocated for better visibility. The 9.0-inch portrait-style screen still is a favorite of ours; like the one in the Tesla Model S and Model X, it makes eminent sense, especially with navigation.

Review continues below

'Hybrid' is no insult for Volvo's efficient yet luxurious XC60 T8

The XC60 midsize crossover SUV is Volvo’s best-selling model in America, moving 20,452 units in 2016. That’s enough to give Volvo 5 percent of the market in that category, and it’s on track to sell just as many in 2017. With Volvo’s new fuel-efficient Drive-E engines available in 250- and 316-horsepower variants, the Swedish automaker has a compelling performance story on top of its reputation for safety and comfort. And as we found out in our 2018 Volvo XC60 T8 review, the efficiency story goes even further.

Volvo has not been content to rest on its achievements (like winning our luxury car awards). The company has committed that every new vehicle launched in 2019 and beyond will have some kind of electrification; either hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or EV. Further, Volvo has set a goal that by 2020, no one will be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo.

To fulfill those promises, Volvo’s been working on several fronts, and we’re seeing steps toward their goals every year. This year’s steps involve extending Volvo’s twin-engine plug-in hybrid technology to the XC60 and the S90 sedan, and refinements of the advanced safety features offered across the entire Volvo product line. The company is also working hard on increased autonomous capability, but that’s still mostly behind the gates in Gothenburg.

What’s new

The XC60 has been in production since 2008, and this year’s update is the first major refresh since 2013. Starting with the 2018 model year, the XC60 is built on Volvo’s Scalable Product Architeƒcture platform, shared with the 90-series of full-size vehicles. New for the 2018 model year, the T8 twin-engine plug-in hybrid drivetrain is available with the XC60, in addition to the two gasoline engine options.

Other new features for the 2018 XC60 include Volvo’s 9.3-inch Sensus Connect touchscreen infotainment and control interface. This large-format screen uses tablet gestures and offers an intuitive interface. The XC60 also receives access to Volvo’s Pilot Assist semi-autonomous driving system, and several other related safety technologies.

Trim levels and features

The new XC60 is available in three trim levels, and all trims may be ordered with the T8 plug-in hybrid drivetrain.

The base trim is called Momentum, and it’s a generously well-equipped package. Momentum buyers receive LED headlights and taillights, panoramic moonroof, 18-inch wheels, leather, 9.3-inch touchscreen interface with support for Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, 8-inch driver information display, 10-speaker audio system, rear park assist camera, power tailgate, and a standard safety package that equals most manufacturer’s optional safety packages. The Momentum trim XC60 starts at $48,893 after all rebates and fees are applied.

New for the 2018 model year, the T8 twin-engine plug-in hybrid drivetrain is available with the XC60.

The sport trim is called R-Design, and it adds a list of performance-related features including 19-inch wheels, sport seats, paddle shifters, keyless entry, LED fog lights, a 12.3-inch driver information display, and GPS navigation. R-Design is a $3,300 premium over Momentum trim at $52,193.

Luxury trim is called Inscription, and it also includes 19-inch wheels, real wood trim, keyless entry, LED fog lights, the 12.3 inch driver information display, navigation, and an air conditioning outlet in the glove compartment. Inscription is a $3,800 premium over Momentum trim at $52,693.

The thing to notice about Volvo’s trim walk is that there’s less than $4,000 difference between the base Momentum trim and the top Inscription package, with the R-Design falling just below Inscription. With only a 10 percent difference between base and top trims, there’s very little reason not to plus up your XC60.

Looking at the new XC60, its styling is a continuation of the previous generation, which was always a good-looking vehicle. If you like crossover SUVs at all, you’ll find the XC60 among the more handsome offerings on the market.

Technology overview

The big tech news is the 9.3-inch Sensus Connect screen in the dashboard center stack. This is a major upgrade from the previous generation’s inset screen. This interface offers tablet swipe-and-pinch gestures, and provides enough real estate that Volvo is able to divide the screen into four independent sections to provide quick and easy access to any controls you need.

You can even place your Apple CarPlay or Android Auto interface into one of the four sections, so you don’t have to give your entire screen over to the phone to use its features. The Sensus Connect system provides 4G/LTE connectivity and will generate a wi-fi hotspot in the car for your passengers to use. Sensus Connect also offers its own suite of apps including Pandora, Spotify, Glympse, Local Search, Yelp, Weather, and Wiki Locations.

The main Sensus screen also interacts with the 8-inch or 12.3-inch driver information displays, and the optional head-up display on the windshield. Navigation, infotainment, and basic information can all be mirrored for the driver.

Optionally, XC60 buyers can order the Bowers & Wilkins sound system, which uses 15 speakers including a body-integrated subwoofer and an 1,100-watt amplifier. It sounds good and costs $3,200 at any trim level.

Interior fit and finish

As mentioned, you get a good package even in the base Momentum trim level. That means leather upholstery and a good dashboard covering. Adding heated front seats and heated steering wheel will cost you $750 in any trim level. That really should be standard in a luxury brand vehicle, but it’s well worth the money in any case.

Whether you get the standard seats or the R-Design sport seats, your back will thank you for choosing a Volvo.

Volvo is well-regarded for its comfortable seats and cabin, and the XC60 is exemplary in this regard. Whether you get the standard seats or the R-Design sport seats, your back will thank you for choosing a Volvo. Every trim level includes power adjustments and power lumbar support, and the R-Design and Inscription trims include mechanical extensions for perfect leg support all the way to your knees.

Generally speaking, Volvo’s interiors are always best-in-class, with clean Scandinavian designs and excellent build quality. That’s what you’ll find in the new XC60. As a must-succeed vehicle, Volvo has given special attention to this update.

With the second row of seats folded down, the XC60 offers 29.7 cubic feet of cargo space. The rear hatch opens to a broad space, so you can make full use of that cargo capacity. The hatch is also powered, which is fast becoming a baseline feature for all luxury brands.

As a midsize SUV, you can reasonably take five adults, though the three in the back seat will be close together. Rear seat legroom is good at 38 inches.

Driving performance and MPG

Without a doubt, the driving experience is the largest and most significant change to the 2018 Volvo XC60 T8. First, the vehicle gained a new double wishbone suspension in front, and an integral link design in the rear. Optionally, you can choose the air suspension that allows you to raise the ride height by up to 40mm (2 inches) in off-road mode, or drop the suspension by 10mm (0.4-inch) for dynamic mode driving.

But the real bonus for the XC60 is addition of the T8 driveline. This is Volvo’s innovative twin-engine plug-in hybrid design, with a 313-horsepower turbocharged and supercharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine in front, mated to a standard hybrid electric motor. In the rear, Volvo adds an 87-horsepower electric motor to drive the rear wheels. The XC60 will use the electric motors and the gasoline engine individually or in parallel for best performance and fuel economy.

The 2018 version of the T8 drivetrain has enhanced the battery pack from 9.2 Kilowatt Hours up to 10.4 kWh for more EV-only range and more available power in hybrid mode. This will improve both performance and MPGe when rated by the EPA.

At this time the EPA has not released its fuel economy figures for the 2018 XC60 T8. However, the 2017 XC90 with the T8 drivetrain is rated at 54 MPGe and 25 MPG in combined city/highway driving. With the larger battery and smaller vehicle size, the XC60 should surpass those numbers.

The XC60 does 0 to 60 in just 4.9 seconds. That’s almost a full second faster than a Maserati Levante, just for the record.

The T8 drivetrain comes with several driver-selectable engine modes, including Pure EV, Power Mode, AWD Mode, and a customizable Individual Mode. There’s also an Off Road Mode, available up to 12 MPH, for really rough terrain. This locks the torque between front and rear wheels at 50:50 and engages hill descent control.

Finally, there’s an option to save your battery power for later use, if you know you’re likely to need EV mode later in your drive, and a function to use the gas engine to charge your battery pack for later use.

Overall, the XC60 T8 provides 400 system horsepower and 472 pound-feet of max system torque. That’s enough to send this SUV from 0 to 60 in just 4.9 seconds. That’s almost a full second faster than a Maserati Levante, just for the record.

The only fault we can lay on the XC60, along with every other hybrid, is that the regenerative braking system still feels strange at times. Because the brake pedal is engaging a generator, it can feel less responsive than a standard brake system. But it’s only because the XC60 handles so well that it’s even noticeable.


Safety is the other big deal on the 2018 Volvo XC60 T8. The advanced safety and convenience gear introduced last year in the 90-series vehicles is now available on the XC60. This includes features like Steer Assist, which will help the driver steer around an obstacle if a collision is likely. The Steer Assist feature is also linked with the Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) and the Oncoming Lane Mitigation feature. In each case, the Volvo will steer itself out of danger or help you to steer it out of danger.

2018 Volvo XC60 T8 Compared To

You can also get the related Pilot Assist system as part of the optional Convenience package. This will allow the XC60 to mostly steer itself and use the adaptive cruise control to match speeds on the highway. Let’s be clear, this is not autonomous driving yet. This is what’s called a Level 2 partial automation system, which assists the driver with some tasks, but still relies on the driver as the primary monitor of the driving environment.

But take note, each new feature points the way towards the autonomous future, and Volvo is taking determined steps to get there. They have a field test planned in Sweden to test a Level 4 autonomous car on public roads.


The 2018 Volvo XC60 T8 is a major step forward for Volvo. The company’s commitment to electrification does not mean the end of the internal combustion engine, it means that the engine will be optimized and assisted by electric motors for best effect. You only have to look at the performance numbers to see what’s possible down this line of development

SUV buyers should like the XC60’s midsize footprint, which makes it convenient in an urban environment and versatile enough to carry cargo. The luxury and performance aspects of the vehicle make it fun. Starting at $48,893 for the Momentum trim, and topping out at $52,693 for the Inscription trim, you’ve got plenty of room to add some options and still find yourself in an affordable high-performance SUV for thousands (or tens of thousands) less than comparable European luxury SUVs.

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